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Helium Shortage


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I wanted to have some balloons filled and apparently there is a helium shortage because storing this gas is difficult. I thought I'd mention it for some entrepreneurial SUNY Civil Engineering grad. I quickly perused an article that states somebody found a way to store it in the ground with a layer of salt so it's easily accessible. Helium is not just for balloons, the article states it's needed for MRI equipment and some manufacturing. Helium is also a biproduct of fracking. Sounds like a lucrative idea for the right people.

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I mentioned the fracking component because we have so much fracking occurring right across the border. I don't know if it would be terribly difficult to capture and separate the helium from the natural gas, then take it and store it underground somewhere in NYS then sell it. The NYTimes article stated liquid helium is used to cool the MRI magnets and a chemist stated he uses 60 litres of liquid helium every 6 weeks for the work he does.

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2 hours ago, PeteMoss said:

We could use Battisti's hot air as a replacement for helium in balloons.

:) Pete...did you happen to hear John Solak ask Bob Joseph how he would feel if John donned a gold lame jock strap and sashayed down the Martin Luther King promenade?





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Grrrr...I just remembered President Trump is in London..THEY HAVE HELIUM IN LONDON FOR THE BABY TRUMP BLIMP? Shoot it down...use a bow and arrow from the raptor if you must and as for Meghan Markle..she has no idea what's going to happen when it comes out her adopted country worked hand in hand with the Obama administration to SPY ON President Trump. The Queen should have told her to suck it up and act like a diplomat.

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Who knew and what a coincidence? I just passed a red white and blue American Rock Salt tractor trailer. They have the largest salt mine and are located just below Rochester NY.

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After being off of BCVOICE while it was down for a while, I decided to try very hard to not engage in unresolvable partisan bickering.  Diplomacy is required by both parties in any dispute for any kind of useful resolution to occur. If not, ill feelings and continued discontent will simmer.

A lot of people could take lessons on diplomacy from the Queen Mum.

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13 hours ago, ginger said:

I mentioned the fracking component because we have so much fracking occurring right across the border. I don't know if it would be terribly difficult to capture and separate the helium from the natural gas, then take it and store it underground somewhere in NYS then sell it. The NYTimes article stated liquid helium is used to cool the MRI magnets and a chemist stated he uses 60 litres of liquid helium every 6 weeks for the work he does.

Sorry, an attempt at humor.  I'm not a fan of fricking fracking ;)

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Part of the ultimate stupidity of this is that the United States has been dumping its strategic helium reserve for 20 years, and was doing it below market prices for most of that time.


That means we were not only giving it up, but suppressing prices, which encouraged oil companies to just let it escape when they drilled and discouraged industry from finding ways to conserve it. Once you lose it, there's no getting it back. It leaves the Earth entirely. This may have serious consequences a few years down the road.

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18 hours ago, Bingoloid said:

Part of the ultimate stupidity of this is that the United States has been dumping its strategic helium reserve for 20 years, and was doing it below market prices for most of that time.


That means we were not only giving it up, but suppressing prices, which encouraged oil companies to just let it escape when they drilled and discouraged industry from finding ways to conserve it. Once you lose it, there's no getting it back. It leaves the Earth entirely. This may have serious consequences a few years down the road.

More proof that the entire reason the Clinton's were elevated to the national stage was to further the plan to sell America out and let its people be savaged. Thank God Trump beat that bitch. And FU Obama. He had the table set for her to finish us off.  

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18 hours ago, M_Sable said:

Sorry, an attempt at humor.  I'm not a fan of fricking fracking ;)

If it didn't involve injecting liquid chemicals into any area, even remotely near water tables, I would be all for it. That is the part I can't sign off on.

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More proof that the entire reason the Clinton's were elevated to the national stage was to further the plan to sell America out and let its people be savaged. Thank God Trump beat that bitch. And FU Obama. He had the table set for her to finish us off.

I'm no fan of the Clintons, but it was also passed by the first entirely Republican-controlled Congress since the 1950s, and amended to at least be smarter and start selling it at market rates under Obama.

Dumb and destructive ideas are remarkably bi-partisan, and naturally, the whole point of selling it off in the first place was that the government had financed the reserve through deficit spending and 1990s Republicans thought we couldn't afford to maintain it. The deficit is now over seven times larger.

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26 minutes ago, Bingoloid said:



I'm no fan of the Clintons, but it was also passed by the first entirely Republican-controlled Congress since the 1950s, and amended to at least be smarter and start selling it at market rates under Obama.

Dumb and destructive ideas are remarkably bi-partisan, and naturally, the whole point of selling it off in the first place was that the government had financed the reserve through deficit spending and 1990s Republicans thought we couldn't afford to maintain it. The deficit is now over seven times larger.

I hear you. It is why I try not to see it as R vs D anymore. It really is Globalism vs Nationalism. Clinton's are globalists. The Bush family is globalist. Obama is a globalist. Most of the intelligence community power structure is globalist. Think John Brennan the open communist. The European  Union is globalist. This is why they are fighting the British population trying to exit <Brexit>.

So it was bipartisan only in the sense of who is willing to sell out America for globalism vs those who were not. Kind of scary we have so many globalists in our government.

BTW. Globalism was the brainchild of Adolph Hitler. This is what Trump slammed the brakes on but he is the Nazi, right?

George Orwell shit for sure.



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5 hours ago, 19April1775 said:

If it didn't involve injecting liquid chemicals into any area, even remotely near water tables, I would be all for it. That is the part I can't sign off on.

I wonder if they could reuse the already fracked wells that are depleted/empty from the natural gas drilling?


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On 6/3/2019 at 1:29 PM, binghamtonian said:

Please stop.


On 6/3/2019 at 3:58 PM, PeteMoss said:

Just ignore that user.



On 6/3/2019 at 4:22 PM, binghamtonian said:

This site should implement the ignore function, where it hides people on your ignore list so you can't see their posts.



On 6/4/2019 at 2:44 PM, 19April1775 said:

Bingo. Pun intended.

Helium... Hohum...:) lol Have a nice, quiet weekend everyone.




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  • 3 weeks later...

^ I think Bingo meant for me to "please stop"..nevertheless I was just up to Weis on Front Street and they have a sign in their floral department stating they have helium. They also have some really cool looking huge butterfly balloons. 

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