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PSB, name the names

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"Jeers that a South Side renewal plan just can't seem to get any traction. The string of edgy businesses along South Washington Street -- part of the proposed Southside Commons -- is one of the city's highlights, but it's being treated as though it were a flashlight instead. The area behind the Whole in the Wall and contiguous buildings can float boats after a heavy rain -- not a nice way to treat city businesses."




Go read Mr. Positive's comment.


I did and wow, this was weird, I has composed almost the exact same comment but had to leave before I could post it, when I came back to do so I saw Mr. Positive had beaten me to the punch. I had to read three-quarters of it to realize it was not my post. I was going to say the EXACT same thing about the lack of names.


(Actually, this is a good thing because when it was posted I was at Terra Cotta on State Street with about 120 people from 9:00AM to 10:15AM, proving I am not Mr. Postive. George Phillips our new Congressional candidate can attest to that since I was at a table with him the entire time. Photos were taken certifying it!)


I was also going to add to my comment, and will do so here, it would be much more interesting if the editorial board of the PSB grew a set and showed some courage.


Name the names.


Let's look at what happen.


Certainly Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo stepped and did her part, she got the funding. Great job, Donna.


Certainly the business owners did their part, showing up to meetings going on record with their comments. Thank you Eliot and Stacey.


So who has dropped the ball?


Who always drops the ball?


Well, as usual it is Matt Ryan and Jim Dessauer, our Do-nothing Doofus Mayor and his Disappearing $500,000 Man.


Ryan is always ready with hype, his preamture elucidation, but clams right up when it comes to taking responsibility for all the very many failures and mismanagement.


How about the other example this week, the stoppage of the O'Neil/Ross Building demoltion.


It seemed to fly under the radar this week but that project has also stalled thanks to Ryan and Dessauer gross incompetence and mismanagement. To think that had they done their jobs a year ago the whole building would have come down at the former owner's expense instead of taxpayers now having to fund it. Dessauer should resign over that call.


Remember Ryan's State of the City claim that a new, impressive project would be going in the space two months from now? Like that is going to happen!



Why no Jeer about that???




* The Ross Building, Court Street, Binghamton

On Jan. 15, the City of Binghamton announced plans to demolish the Ross Building using funds from a Restore New York grant. Last week, Mayor Matthew T. Ryan said "the project is on hold," adding that SHPO (New York State's Historic Preservation Office) "put the brakes on demolition" by stating that public funds cannot be used to demolish the building.

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Mr Positive wrote, "Why is it that in your "Cheers and Jeers" column, you always seem to mention the names of the people or entities that you're "cheering"....but when it comes to the "jeers"...the names of those responsible are conspicuously absent?


This week's edition provides the latest example.


Is it the "project's" fault that the Southside Commons proposal is failing to gain traction...or is it the fault of the city's administration?


The fact of the matter is, this project was announced with great hoopla by the administration before they had fully researched it. Promises were made to certain business owners before the administration had checked with other property owners whose properties were crucial to the project moving forward.


Now the Ryan administration is doing a two-step dance...stalling and finger pointing, when the reality is, they have nobody to blame but themselves because they announced a big project without first doing the proper research and gettiing their ducks in a row.


Why shouldn't they engage in such political grandstanding?


They know that when things inevitably go sour on one of their "big announcements"... the local newspaper of record isn't going to hold them accountable for their empty rhetoric and empty promises.


They know that the local newspaper of record will blame the "project" for failing to "gain traction" instead of placing the blame squarely where it belongs...on the backs of incompetent, self-serving politicians. "


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Ed, where's your comment on the drug arrests in JC this week? Don't you blame the Mayor as you do with Ryan? Why so silent on something you would post nine or ten times about were it in the City?

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Why should there be a post about JC, when this thread is about the South Side Binghamton project?


Only to atempt to change the subject because they have no response as usual....

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Who always drops the ball?


Well, as usual it is Matt Ryan and Jim Dessauer, our Do-nothing Doofus Mayor and his Disappearing $500,000 Man.


"Do-nothing Doofus Mayor and his Disappearing $500,000 Man"


Is that the sequel to "Dumb and Dumber"?



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"Do-nothing Doofus Mayor and his Disappearing $500,000 Man"


Is that the sequel to "Dumb and Dumber"?


yes, but sadder and more pathetic...........

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Why should there be a post about JC, when this thread is about the South Side Binghamton project?




Hijacking threads has never been a problem for you before.

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