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The Lord's Language: Aramaic

A Faithful Catholic

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This is a WONDERFUL language. A bit to early for Lent, but the beauty of it still prevails:


This comes from our Eastern Rite brothers and sisters, the Byzantines.


Turn up speakers:



Acts 1


Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven


1In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5For John baptized with[a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."


6So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"


7He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

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This is a WONDERFUL language. A bit to early for Lent, but the beauty of it still prevails:


This comes from our Eastern Rite brothers and sisters, the Byzantines.


Turn up speakers:



Acts 1


Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven


1In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5For John baptized with[a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."


6So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"


7He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."


Really? My Bible is all screwed up. I have NO 1In, 2until, 3After, or any other combination of numbers and Scripture. It must be a heritical Bible.


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Guest Guest

Can I listen to Jews being brutally tortured by priests during the Inquisition in aramaic....you know, the ones who brought on their torture of their own free will????

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Can I listen to Jews being brutally tortured by priests during the Inquisition in aramaic....you know, the ones who brought on their torture of their own free will????


It was the Spanish Government of Queen Isabella who brought upon the punishments for violators of the CIVIL LAW of the land. The Jews and the Muslims that were CAUGHT trying to bring down the CC in a Catholic Country knew the punishments of the Queen and they still broke the law anyway. They took a chance and were caught in their conspiracy. If it wasn't for Queen Isabella, Spain would not be Christian! :o

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