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U.E. is woman happy for leadership

Guest Jimmy

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Guest Jimmy

Why has Union Endicott School System gone woman wild. The new Super is a Woman,so is the High School Principal,so is the Middle School Principal as well as all of the elementary Principals except 2 .the elementary schools even have Ass't principals. No wonder the taxes are so high. They put some females on the search committee and with Cornick as School Board President he likes to be able to boss them around. Not to be sexist but if it were all men you can bet that the females woudl have a bird like they did many years ago. When does parity set in Steve Deinhart would have made a great Superintendant.Lets see who they Make Ass't Super.There has not benn a man since who knows when . The District is going to pot with the weak female leaderhip and they keep going with it. We need to elect some new blood to the Board and bring back some masculine leadership. They need a policeman at the high school and recently when there was a female fight the Principal could not even compose herself and nearly lost it.

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Guest Guest
Why has Union Endicott School System gone woman wild. The new Super is a Woman,so is the High School Principal,so is the Middle School Principal as well as all of the elementary Principals except 2 .the elementary schools even have Ass't principals. No wonder the taxes are so high. They put some females on the search committee and with Cornick as School Board President he likes to be able to boss them around. Not to be sexist but if it were all men you can bet that the females woudl have a bird like they did many years ago. When does parity set in Steve Deinhart would have made a great Superintendant.Lets see who they Make Ass't Super.There has not benn a man since who knows when . The District is going to pot with the weak female leaderhip and they keep going with it. We need to elect some new blood to the Board and bring back some masculine leadership. They need a policeman at the high school and recently when there was a female fight the Principal could not even compose herself and nearly lost it.



you are disgusting. first of all there are police officers at the high school. TWO sit outside, and one (if not sometimes more) is there in the building at all times. it has been this way for maybe about 3 or 4 years now. so before you go babbling on about something so stupid, make sure you know what you are talking about. did you ever stop to think that the reason these women are hired is because they might be the best qualified? GEE, who would have thought!! women in schools is continually growing and there is no stopping that. stop being so ignorant. you are a pig. i am in no way some kind of feminist on some high pedastile, but at this moment while you are on here with nothing better to do then complain about them, THEY are protecting your children and giving them the best education possible. you are quick to complain about your taxes being so high, but if they were low you would be complaining about your child getting a poor education. so which do you want?

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Guest male chauvenistic pig
you are disgusting. first of all there are police officers at the high school. TWO sit outside, and one (if not sometimes more) is there in the building at all times. it has been this way for maybe about 3 or 4 years now. so before you go babbling on about something so stupid, make sure you know what you are talking about. did you ever stop to think that the reason these women are hired is because they might be the best qualified? GEE, who would have thought!! women in schools is continually growing and there is no stopping that. stop being so ignorant. you are a pig. i am in no way some kind of feminist on some high pedastile, but at this moment while you are on here with nothing better to do then complain about them, THEY are protecting your children and giving them the best education possible. you are quick to complain about your taxes being so high, but if they were low you would be complaining about your child getting a poor education. so which do you want?



i have a compromise. if we let women work outside the home, then they must wear the attractive burkas i see other women wear in other countries. then, we don't let them vote and pay them less money than a man would make at the same job. i think that's very fair of us men. next thing you know, one of them will want to run for president some day.

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Why has Union Endicott School System gone woman wild. The new Super is a Woman,so is the High School Principal,so is the Middle School Principal as well as all of the elementary Principals except 2 .the elementary schools even have Ass't principals. No wonder the taxes are so high. They put some females on the search committee and with Cornick as School Board President he likes to be able to boss them around. Not to be sexist but if it were all men you can bet that the females woudl have a bird like they did many years ago. When does parity set in Steve Deinhart would have made a great Superintendant.Lets see who they Make Ass't Super.There has not benn a man since who knows when . The District is going to pot with the weak female leaderhip and they keep going with it. We need to elect some new blood to the Board and bring back some masculine leadership. They need a policeman at the high school and recently when there was a female fight the Principal could not even compose herself and nearly lost it.


If you felt more qualified or could do a better job, then why didn't you submit your resume? I'm sure they would have taken a look at it.

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