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Obama's Challenge

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Guest Guest

Prediction - Obama's biggest challenge to win the primary and, if he's successful, to win the presidency will be his religion.


Why? New video clips are surfacing on his minister's (Jeremiah Wright) off the wall, racist, anti-America, anti white sermons and statements. Obama's church, the Trinity United Church of Christ, is not a main stream denominational church. It appears to be what some people will perceive to be a black "cult" type church that is anti-white and anti-American.


Most people join a church and worship a religion that makes them feel comfortable and represents their beliefs. Barack is a long time member of Jeremiah Wright's church; Wright married Barack to his wife, baptized his children, and has been such an influence on Obama that he was the inspiration for his authoring a book. If this is the church that makes Barack comfortable, many will become uncomfortable considering him for president.


Romney's religion became a major hindrance for him. Barack's religion will become a major problem for him once the insane rants and bizarre hate speech of Rev. Wright become more widely known. I don't think Barack will be able to devise a credible response to make many if not most Americans comfortable.

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