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Barack Obama and Pastor Wright: Far More Than Guilt by Association

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Let's cut to the chase here. A lot of the left in this country, and you'll find a lot of the left represented in the Drive-By Media, don't find much wrong with what the pastor is saying. That's why to them it isn't a news story. Well, of course America is this horrible place. This guy represents a body of thought in this country that's found in various enclaves of the Democrat Party and in a very large enclave of the Drive-By Media, and that's why they don't want to cover it, because to them, it's not news. They knew it would hurt Obama to come out and say, "Hey, what's wrong with the guy's sermon? We agree with all this, or a lot of it." This pastor was the central force in this church, and that's why Obama chose it. It's why the pastor married them. It's why he baptized their kids. There is a story on the American Thinker blog today by C. Edmund Wright, who is not related to Pastor Wright, by the way. His theory is simply that the choice of this church by Obama was calculated so that Obama could establish his black street cred with certain elements of the American population. Now, this is just his theory.


In other words, he embraced Jeremiah Wright and the church's agenda to "get his black street cred to escape his 'white half.' Now, he's trying to divert attention away from his black street cred. And a little sober reminder here... he is doing this so he can occupy the Oval Office." We are talking about the leading candidate for the Democrat nomination for president of the United States. Now, this is Mr. C. Edmund Wright's theory, that Obama did this to establish street cred. This was 20 years ago, and did this to mitigate his white half. They chose this church because of the charismatic pastor's beliefs. If they were repulsed by his racism or his anti-Semitism or his trip to Libya with Calypso Louie, or the award given to Calypso Louie by Pastor Wright, they have never showed it. They never said a word at the time. They never said, "Oh, Pastor Wright, we're really, really unhappy here that you're heading off to Libya." No, didn't say a word about that. Now, here's the thing, too. The Obamas are very bright people. They are very, very bright people. They're highly educated people. They are politically astute people. Are we to believe that the pastor's views -- he turns out to be a well-known race-baiter and hatemonger -- were unknown to them, were foreign to them?


It would be reasonable to conclude that this pastor is one of the reasons that Michelle "My Belle" Obama harbors the views that she does. She's an angry woman running around out there. The pastor doesn't just pop off here and there, folks, like the nutty uncle in the attic that Obama is trying to portray him as. This was his usual way of talking. this is how he thinks. This is who he is. This is what the church life largely consisted of for the Obamas, and they chose this, and this pastor, above all others. I'm telling you, the media's out there trying to say, "This is guilt by association." how many times, of those of you who are evangelical Christians, big-time pro-lifers, have you been smeared because you happened to like Pat Robertson? You've been smeared because you happen to like Jerry Falwell? You've been smeared because you happened to go to church? This guilt by association stuff, let's turn it around and do a 180. A lot of us in this country have been proclaimed guilty, found guilty by virtue of association. Now, all of a sudden, see, it works in a different way when we're talking about liberals.


It does give us some insight into Michelle Obama's comments, though, does it not? I think it matters. She goes to the church. She's been mad for a long time, and the church has only made her madder. I'm telling you, she wasn't proud of her country until when? 'Til this presidential campaign came along and Obama tried to pass over that by saying, "What are you trying to say, that he's unpatriotic?" Well, her comments certainly reflect the views of her pastor. Her pastor's not proud of the country. Her pastor hates the country! Let me tell you something, folks. It is clear that Senator Obama is not being forthright. I'll drop the wife. I don't care about the wife. I just think there's a reason for the attitude that she has. Senator Obama is the one running. He's not being forthright at all. He's spinning now. Nobody's "cherry-picking" anything. He's spinning. This pastor's record is full of hate and race-baiting. That's who he is. That's what he preached. And the kind of responses we're getting from Obama are simply not adequate. They are not adequate.


He's running for president! The more he responds the way he is currently responding, the more questions it raises about his ability to lead the nation. He's got a 40-year career of this, is the point. He leads a double life. He's got two lives. He's got the life before he decided to run for president -- a year and a half ago, or two years -- and he's got the decades of life prior to that, and that life we're not really going to be told much about. We're supposed to look at only the last two years of Obama. But you've spent, Senator Obama, 20 years following Jeremiah Wright. See, it's Obama who's doing the cherry-picking. It isn't us. Obama is trying to carve out phrases here and there where he says he disagrees with his pastor; justifying his statements about Israel, for instance, or concocting phone contexts for the statements. He's not made a clean break from this racist hatemonger. He's got him on his campaign staff in some sort of advisor role. His association with this pastor runs very, very deep.


Let me put a fine point on it. This was Obama's spiritual advisor. The idea that this is guilt by association is a disgraceful, transparent attempt to dismiss racial hatred -- and I see some of these Democrat operatives on cable TV, willing to sell out their own principles and values in defense of this racism in order to propel Obama's campaign further down the road. This is what they are doing with this kind of defense, make no mistake about it: selling out their own principles and values in defense of this racism. Any pundit, any pundit who says that this is nothing more than "guilt by association," when this pastor was and is Obama's spiritual advisor and leader, is destroying their reputations. They're excusing racism. They're excusing hatred and anti-Semitism, because that's what Obama's pastor preaches. Let me suggest, the kind of hate that Pastor Wright was preaching and that he represents is the kind of radicalism we denounce, the kind of hijacking of religion that we denounce


I am saying that somebody who abuses his position and the Bible to preach hate and racism and anti-Semitism, is to be thoroughly denounced. He is using Christianity to promote personal views that are unconscionable, totally antithetical to Christian values and beliefs, and the idea that Obama selected this church because of this pastor, because of his message -- why else would he have chosen this church? -- is no small matter. And just because the liberal media ignore it, doesn't mean the people of this country should.


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Guest allan

America is beginning to see obama for what he is. You can tell

a great deal about someone by the company they keep and obama

kept company with this hate filled junior hitler for decades.

He can't claim now that he didn't know what this sicko was.




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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan


It’s not often that one gets to interview an icon. Someone called by a singular moniker and everyone knows of whom you speak — a person who can walk into a room and cause pause because of his physical presence and historical significance. That’s exactly what I was privileged to do a few days ago from my humble kitchen perch. I interviewed the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by phone on everything I could think to ask in 15 fleeting minutes.


The Minister’s voice was strong, smooth and steadfast, giving no hint of the health challenges that have plagued him the last few years. He talked about the future of the Nation of Islam, his hope for the faith, his pride in African American people, his love of music and the state of Black America. Then of course, when prodded, he talked of his legacy. I asked questions in quick succession and he willingly responded, eloquently quoting biblical scripture, speaking in parables and peppering his answers with references to the Quran, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He spoke and I couldn’t help but listen and learn.


“When Minister Farrakhan speaks, Black America listens,” says the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, likening the Minister’s influence to the E. F. Hutton commercials of old. “Everybody may not agree with him, but they listen…His depth on analysis when it comes to the racial ills of this nation is astounding and eye opening. He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest.


“Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African American religious experience,” continues Wright. “His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics. His love for Africa and African American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.” …


But that road has not been an easy one, as his friend Father Michael L. Pfleger of St. Sabina Church in Chicago explains.


“Minister Farrakhan is probably one of the most misunderstood and mis-defined leaders of our day,” says Pfleger. “When you don’t want to deal with someone’s truth, you try to destroy their character or redefine them …That’s what the media has sought to do with Minister Farrakhan. His truth causes America to face its racism and its hypocrisy.”


“Minister Farrakhan has been a personal friend for more than 20 years,” continues Pfleger. “His leadership has evolved, and I believe the coming days will see him as a unifying force, calling real Christians, real Jews and real Muslims to come together on principles of truth and justice… Contrary to those who want to make him anti-white and anti-Semitic, I believe Minister Farrakhan is presently building the umbrella for people of conscience to come together no matter the race or creed. I am honored to call him my brother.”


Because of the Minister’s influence in the African American community, Trumpet Newsmagazine honors him this winter at its Sounds of the Shore gala with an Empowerment Award. It seemed a fitting tribute for a storied life well lived. And as our brief interview drew to a close and he thanked me for taking the time to talk to him, I could not help but think, the Minister, the man with whom I had been so casually speaking, truly epitomized greatness.


Lest we forget, Jeremiah Wright is the man Mr. Obama calls his “spiritual mentor.” He is the man Obama credits for getting him into politics.


Obama calls Wright his moral compass.

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Obama Issues Statement Regarding Rev. Wright at Huffington Post


Before posting his remarks my simple question would be then what is it that brings you to think of this man as your moral compass???



Obama's spiritual leader for the past 20 years has encouraged his congregation to sing "God Damn America," stated from the pulpit that our nation is the "U.S of KKK A," and declared that America deserved to be attacked on 9/11.


On Friday, Obama tried to distance himself from these abominations:


The pastor of my church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who recently preached his last sermon and is in the process of retiring, has touched off a firestorm over the last few days. He's drawn attention as the result of some inflammatory and appalling remarks he made about our country, our politics, and my political opponents.


Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy. I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.


The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. I made it clear at the time that I strongly condemned his comments. But because Rev. Wright was on the verge of retirement, and because of my strong links to the Trinity faith community, where I married my wife and where my daughters were baptized, I did not think it appropriate to leave the church.


Let me repeat what I've said earlier. All of the statements that have been the subject of controversy are ones that I vehemently condemn. They in no way reflect my attitudes and directly contradict my profound love for this country.


It seems highly doubtful that this statement will end the controversy, although it will be interesting to see how the mainstream press cover this issue in the coming days.


However, isn't it curious that Obama chose to first publish this at a liberal blog? What was the calculus behind this decision, and will media explore this side of the story?



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I do not see it happening, but if Obama is elected president, despite all his anti-war talk, this country will be headed into another war......a Civil War.


We are on the brink as it is now. The divide is growing in large part due to this free pass black people have from being called out on racist, discriminatory or defamatory comments. It is fueled by the continued growth of crime that accompanies the influx of black residents into suburban and rural communities.


But regardless of this, no one is allowed to say what is the truth, black communities increase the level of crime and people like Obama want to keep it that way because without these angry black people, they would lose a great deal of their base. The liberals have no incentive in ending povertyor reducing crime because if there were not people adversely affected by this then they would lose their core following.


The election of Obama would be signing the death warrant of this Union as it stands today. Obama=Civil War 2.

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Guest Hammer Time

If there was a civil war you and I would be on opposite sides. I am not a peace nick. Let's get it on bro. People like you have destroyed my country.

You stole my flag my freedom. You are a racist white guy. You are a potential enemy. I will not walk into the ovens like your last enemy did.


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After hearing Mr. Obama's Pastor, I would say that it is the blacks who are RACIST and who hate white people and the USA ! I thought Mr. Obama might be ok, but after knowing that he sat and listened to this preachers rantings and racist remarks for 20 years, makes me quite leery of him and his agenda .....

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My observation of the race issue is the Blacks stay chained to a slave ball. They have never released themselves from it. They live in it, they revel in it, they preach in it they can't and won't let it go.

How sad as this preacher preaches do you look at the parishioner's? If that isn't worrisome enough, it lets you know how they feel and instead of letting go of the slavery past, (which Blacks sold them to whites, something they always seem to leave out)they cling to it. They keep themselves where they are mentally, they want to hate Whites, and if they can't make it in life, we are the reason. I suppose that is why they hang on to it, and excuse for every single thing that happens to them.


Well I don't buy their sorry story and I'm sick of the use of Racist everytime we speak the truth.

This preacher and this thinking will undo Obama and his popularity will become one of fear, for now the confusion of who and what he really is.

I want no part of him, I wash my hands of any support I may have had as he is now without truth in my eyes.

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What is interesting about the above postings is how some appear to have changed opinion of Obama. The little being brought out now about his associates is just that, very little and the tip of the iceberg.

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