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Candidate Announcement

Captain Obvious

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I'm going over the paperwork to make sure I do this properly. I'm running for mayor of The Internet, I've been living in it for the last 20 year or so. I made the decision while sitting at the parade a couple of weeks ago and the decision has been cemented a bit more over the last few days. I'll be filing as a member of the BC Voice party when I finish going through the paperwork and making sure everything is squared up. I'm also going to run this campaign only with money I make answering on-line survey. I'm curious how far I'll get using only free tools and huge rewards for my time. I will be sharing the details of how this whole thing works. Now I just need to read through the piles of campaign regulations to make sure I don't run afoul of anything accidentally. Then, it's down to the city office after work to plop down my Abe Lincoln and become an official candidate.


Vote Captain Obvious for Internet Mayor 2009!


My Motto: You won't see this guy paying for sex unless you cut both my hands off!






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