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How does the recipients of welfare, food stamps, financial aid or medicaid, affect tax payers of Broome County? I thought that this was effecting all taxpayers of NYS. Or do Broome county taxpayers pay more on the recipients in their county?

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Guest Guest
How does the recipients of welfare, food stamps, financial aid or medicaid, affect tax payers of Broome County? I thought that this was effecting all taxpayers of NYS. Or do Broome county taxpayers pay more on the recipients in their county?

You looked more intelligent when you posted links and didn't bother typing.




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Guest Facts

It sure does matter. BC is the promised land for all welfare programs sponsered by NYS. If you were to look at the County Budget, almost 2/3 of it goes to Social Services to support these programs. All these programs are supported by county employees (salary/benfits). Along with the free money given out the recipients. free housing/apts. (rent), free medical, free food (food stamps) free utilities, free education, etc. I believe that if this country and state would control welfare we could eliminate our debt. Yes, there are people who need to be helped but the overall abuse of this system is absolutely horrendous. We have created a system where failure to become a productive harding working tax paying citizen in this country is REWARDED. The rich get richer, the welfare recipients get everything given to them for free and the hard working tax paying middle class keeps getting screwed. It is true, this is where most of your tax dollars go. To the social misfits of our county, state and country. This truely is the land of promise. Don't come to this country to work and become productive citizens, come to this country to get a free ride. Of course its not everyone, but it certainly is a majority. The middle class will become the minority which will be supporting the majority welfare class.

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Something I don't understand about "Welfare" , if a single mother is living with the father, she has to get a job after 6 weeks. If she is NOT living with the father, she DOESN'T have to get a job for a year. WHHHHY? If she is able to get a job after 6 weeks- then she should-no sorry- NEEDS to get a job after 6 weeks. It doesn't matter who she IS or ISN'T living with. GET A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Support WHO you creat!!!!!!!




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