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OBAMA & Slavery Reperations are coming to U

Guest SHelby Speerd

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Keep living in ignorance.

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Guest LaKooneshia Africanus
You and this ugly american are the ones living in hateful ignorance:





Wright’s simple-minded efforts to defend himself, that anti-White thesis by Obama’s wife, the fact Obama was not bothered by sitting through many years of Wright’s anti-White racist rhetoric — pretty well argue against trusting Obama with the presidency.

Obama has shown himself a liar by his actions and belated effort to distance himself from Wright.

People like Wright and Obama were created during the Kennedy/Johnson era who pushed for and won the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and every white politician who came after has jumped on that band wagon of ‘blame whitey‘. There hasn’t been a politician elected to any office in the last 45 years who has had the guts to stand up for the white race. That includes those in Binghamton where the NYC negroes have destroyed everything. Not only have we had to listen to black race hustlers and racist black politicians tell us how we have oppressed them for years, we have to hear from white politicians as well.

To hear Bush, speaking in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, make that ridiculous remark that the riots and looting were symptoms of past oppressions and injustices committed against minorities made people puke. They were caused because blacks are genetically violent.

Long ago, the Communist Party learned that they couldn’t sink the United States from outside, so they changed their game plan. They seized high offices and positions within where they could really make changes to the country. Everybody knows that the Communist Party well funded the riots, sit-ins and protests of the 60’s. MLK was a communist. Who can dispute that 99% of our schools and colleges and universities are now being run by a bunch of communist/socialist thinking/believing individuals? Look at BU. Obama’s mother was a product of that upbringing and schooling and he is the product of his surroundings. A liberal, communist/socialist mother who married 2 men of color--one a bushman-- and spawned 2 communist/socialist thinking and believing mongrel children, one of whom could be sitting in the White House next January, along with his ill-mannered “I’ve never been proud of my country until now” Affirmative Action wife.

The thought of these two in the White house would gag a maggot. But nothing will bring out the unseen average white American like the threat of a negro in charge,so hopefully, not a prayer for Obama.




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Wright’s simple-minded efforts to defend himself, that anti-White thesis by Obama’s wife, the fact Obama was not bothered by sitting through many years of Wright’s anti-White racist rhetoric — pretty well argue against trusting Obama with the presidency.

Obama has shown himself a liar by his actions and belated effort to distance himself from Wright.

People like Wright and Obama were created during the Kennedy/Johnson era who pushed for and won the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and every white politician who came after has jumped on that band wagon of ‘blame whitey‘. There hasn’t been a politician elected to any office in the last 45 years who has had the guts to stand up for the white race. That includes those in Binghamton where the NYC negroes have destroyed everything. Not only have we had to listen to black race hustlers and racist black politicians tell us how we have oppressed them for years, we have to hear from white politicians as well.

To hear Bush, speaking in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, make that ridiculous remark that the riots and looting were symptoms of past oppressions and injustices committed against minorities made people puke. They were caused because blacks are genetically violent.

Long ago, the Communist Party learned that they couldn’t sink the United States from outside, so they changed their game plan. They seized high offices and positions within where they could really make changes to the country. Everybody knows that the Communist Party well funded the riots, sit-ins and protests of the 60’s. MLK was a communist. Who can dispute that 99% of our schools and colleges and universities are now being run by a bunch of communist/socialist thinking/believing individuals? Look at BU. Obama’s mother was a product of that upbringing and schooling and he is the product of his surroundings. A liberal, communist/socialist mother who married 2 men of color--one a bushman-- and spawned 2 communist/socialist thinking and believing mongrel children, one of whom could be sitting in the White House next January, along with his ill-mannered “I’ve never been proud of my country until now” Affirmative Action wife.

The thought of these two in the White house would gag a maggot. But nothing will bring out the unseen average white American like the threat of a negro in charge,so hopefully, not a prayer for Obama.

So I'm not the only one,yesssss.

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