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Obama’s Buddy, Bill Ayers Stomping the American Flag

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Bill Ayers stomping on the American flag. The photo was taken in 2001, the same time Barack Obama served on the Woods Fund Board with Ayers. This was also the same time that Ayers donated to Obama's campaign.

it long past due for Obama to disown his association with this controversial radical.


The question that remains is, will the media pick this up or will they write it off as old news? Its worthy of recycling this to further probe into Obama's judgement, the one thing he says he should be measured by.



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so they served on a board together - he has no association with him


now you are stretching it

Not going to argue with you they did they do and they will continue to.




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Guest Guest
Not going to argue with you they did they do and they will continue to.





So what is your point? they served on a board together. I serve on boards with about 200 people. I have not a clus as to their political views or their pasts, and don't care to.

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Guest Guest
So what is your point? they served on a board together. I serve on boards with about 200 people. I have not a clus as to their political views or their pasts, and don't care to.

Well, aren't we just so important! Wow! I am really impressed, 200 people.


Do you know how many board members left because they did not want to be associated with you?

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As a reply to the uniformed who think that Senator Obama "only served on a board with him"... William Ayers is a 60's radical responsible for bombing police stations as well as a laundry list of offenses not only against the US but humanity. He is a terrorist, plain and simple. (see "Weatherman") in any history text or encyclopedia. Additionally, the good Senator, is not only previous member of "a board with him" but also ... their children go to school together and socially the Obamas and the Ayers' are friends (and I think neighbors...). Before an ill willed, small minded post on this site is written by an uninformed (and probably unemployed) ignoramus... check your facts. THAT is why this site gets a bad rap....

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Guest concerned citizen


Bill Ayers stomping on the American flag. The photo was taken in 2001, the same time Barack Obama served on the Woods Fund Board with Ayers. This was also the same time that Ayers donated to Obama's campaign.

it long past due for Obama to disown his association with this controversial radical.


The question that remains is, will the media pick this up or will they write it off as old news? Its worthy of recycling this to further probe into Obama's judgement, the one thing he says he should be measured by.



Obama's judgement is certainly in question, but the large white elephant in the conversation is whether he is a Black nationalist and/or an America hater. I believe that his associations with Ayres, Wright, and his angry, America hating wife - his closest advisor and confident - reveals something much more sinister than "a judgement issue." No one dares to consider that he may be a racist, but then, Blacks can't be racist because they have no power. BS!

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Guest Guys in White Coats
If you fools vote Obama Hussein into office, then you deserve what you get. It won't be on me, because I will vote for anyone but Obama.





Idiots like you are what caused a Bush II - twice.



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As a reply to the uniformed who think that Senator Obama "only served on a board with him"... William Ayers is a 60's radical responsible for bombing police stations as well as a laundry list of offenses not only against the US but humanity. He is a terrorist, plain and simple. (see "Weatherman") in any history text or encyclopedia. Additionally, the good Senator, is not only previous member of "a board with him" but also ... their children go to school together and socially the Obamas and the Ayers' are friends (and I think neighbors...). Before an ill willed, small minded post on this site is written by an uninformed (and probably unemployed) ignoramus... check your facts. THAT is why this site gets a bad rap....


I dont liek the guy either - but he was never convicted of anything. they live in the same neighborhood - and ar not social. What do you do - just make this stuff up as you go along?


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I dont liek the guy either - but he was never convicted of anything. they live in the same neighborhood - and ar not social. What do you do - just make this stuff up as you go along?


As it turns out I do not, additionally either you cannot type or spell, either way... Your (notice I did not say "you're") command of the English language leaves a bit to be desired which is consistent with your command of history and current events. They are known to have been regular dinner partners, their children attend the same private Illinois school (which albeit I agree is not any conviction - yes you can stop, go and look up albeit) but you are, sadly, the one whose facts are in error and are making this stuff up. Looks like you did not take advantage of the free "schooling and books" that the Dems are so in favor of. I, however, did. Sorry dummy...

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Idiots like you are what caused a Bush II - twice.



What does this thread have to do with Bush?? Is he running for president again?



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I dont liek the guy either - but he was never convicted of anything. they live in the same neighborhood - and ar not social. What do you do - just make this stuff up as you go along?


Below is a copied, referenced excerpt from Wikipedia (which I understand is not Ency. Britann.) but you get the picture. He seems like a really nice guy and upstanding member of the community. Someone I would surely hang out with if I were running for office... even the ruler of the free world...


According to his memoir, Ayers became radicalized at the University of Michigan where he became involved in the New Left and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). In 1969, Ayers joined the Weatherman, a radical group which arose as a result of a schism in SDS. The following year he "went underground" with several associates after the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, in which three Weatherman members (Ted Gold, Terry Robbins, and Diana Oughton, who was Ayers' girlfriend at the time) were killed while constructing a nail bomb. He was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him. While underground, he and fellow member Bernardine Dohrn married and had two children. They were purged from the group in the mid-1970s, and turned themselves in to the authorities in 1981. All charges against him were dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct during the long search for the fugitives. Ayers and Dohrn later became legal guardians to the son of former Weathermen David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin after his parents were arrested for their part in the Brinks Robbery of 1981.[3]


In 2001, Ayers published Fugitive Days: A Memoir. Much of the controversy about Ayers during the decade since the year 2000 stems from an interview he gave to the New York Times on the occasion of the memoir's publication.[4] The reporter quoted him as saying "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" as saying "I don't want to discount the possibility."[3] Ayers has not denied the quotes, but he protested the interviewer's characterizations in a Letter to the Editor published September 15, 2001: "This is not a question of being misunderstood or 'taken out of context', but of deliberate distortion."[5] In the ensuing years, Ayers has repeatedly avowed that when he said he had "no regrets" and that "we didn't do enough" he was speaking only in reference to his efforts to stop the United States from waging the Vietnam War, efforts which he has described as ". . . inadequate [as] the war dragged on for a decade."[6] Ayers has maintained that the two statements were not intended to imply a wish they had set more bombs.[6][7] The interviewer also quoted some of Ayers' own criticism of Weatherman in the foreword to the memoir, whereby Ayers reacts to having watched Emile de Antonio's 1976 documentary film about Weatherman, Underground: "[Ayers] was 'embarrassed by the arrogance, the solipsism, the absolute certainty that we and we alone knew the way. The rigidity and the narcissism.' "[3]


Historian Jesse Lemisch (himself a former member of SDS) has contrasted Ayers' recollections with those of other former members of Weatherman and has alleged serious factual errors.[8] Ayers, in the foreword to his book, states that the book was written as his personal memories and impressions over time, not a scholarly research project.[3]


According to Ayers, his radical past occasionally impacts him, as when, by his account, he was asked not to attend a progressive educators' conference in the fall of 2006 on the basis that the organizers did not want to risk an association with his past.[9]




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Guest another guest
As a reply to the uniformed who think that Senator Obama "only served on a board with him"... William Ayers is a 60's radical responsible for bombing police stations as well as a laundry list of offenses not only against the US but humanity. He is a terrorist, plain and simple. (see "Weatherman") in any history text or encyclopedia. Additionally, the good Senator, is not only previous member of "a board with him" but also ... their children go to school together and socially the Obamas and the Ayers' are friends (and I think neighbors...). Before an ill willed, small minded post on this site is written by an uninformed (and probably unemployed) ignoramus... check your facts. THAT is why this site gets a bad rap....
Plus when Obama first became involved in illinois politics it was Ayers who staged the first fund raiser for him-they are far more than casual friends who just happened to serve on a board somewhere. Barack has been given a "free pass" by the media to date. What do we know about him-a first term senator who has spent 2 of his 3 years in the senate running for President. What did he accomplish as a politician in Illinois? What is his relationship with Tony Rezko? what exactly are all his achievements? What does he really think- about anything? what is there to the man besides a besides a wife who feels life has treated her harshly and a vapid slogan about change?




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Idiots like you are what caused a Bush II - twice.





I still ask myself how can so many have been so dumb. And why are still so many insisting on a third bush term (ie - McCain). If he wins, his country will get exactly what it deserves. More of the same, but worse.


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Plus when Obama first became involved in illinois politics it was Ayers who staged the first fund raiser for him-they are far more than casual friends who just happened to serve on a board somewhere. Barack has been given a "free pass" by the media to date. What do we know about him-a first term senator who has spent 2 of his 3 years in the senate running for President. What did he accomplish as a politician in Illinois? What is his relationship with Tony Rezko? what exactly are all his achievements? What does he really think- about anything? what is there to the man besides a besides a wife who feels life has treated her harshly and a vapid slogan about change?







Oh please. Trace Hillary's donations if you are really concerned. Her donors will make Obama's look like angels.






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Below is a 5 minute YouTube video about Obama's terrorist ties including "Billy Ayers." It could have been compressed to 3 minutes probably, but it's still worth watching. The credits at the end say Hillary 2008:




Another YouTube documentary about Bill Ayers. It comments how:


- Ayers used his connections to help get Obama elected to the Illinois Senate.

- Ayers held fund raisers for Obama and contributed to his campaign in 2001.

- They both served on the "Woods Fund" and appeared together in several events and panels.



If this character were associated with John McCain, in any way, Chuck Schumer would be conducting Senate hearings by now, and he would be correct in doing so. Obama is a Democrat though, so his supporters are hoping this all goes away.

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Guest Guest
I still ask myself how can so many have been so dumb. And why are still so many insisting on a third bush term (ie - McCain). If he wins, his country will get exactly what it deserves. More of the same, but worse.


It would have been worse if that phoney kerry won.

When are you democrats going to nominate a decent candidate?

Not this time, that's for sure.

I'm not voting for obama, he would be a disaster!




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Guest Coulter Moonbat Alert
Moonbat alert!!


You know you're starting to sound like you're gasping for air. How quaint.

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