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Who should pay

Guest Guest_tbrutis1_*

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Guest Guest_tbrutis1_*

Tuesday morning, the City of New York is throwing a parade for the 2008 Super Bowl Champion New York Giants. There are several questions that would provide many different interesting answers.


1. The parade is being held in the "Canyon of Champions" by the City of New York


2. Has anyone asked Mayor Michael Bloomburg what will the cost be to the city for the added Police Security?


3. What about the cost of the added sanitation workers from the City DPW to handle the cleanup?


4. Has anyone asked why Giants are listed as an NFL team from New York, when their home stadium is located in East Ruthrford, New Jersey?


5. Will anyone from Mayor Bloomberg or Governor Spitzer's office contact the Governor's office in New Jersey to ask for assistance in defraying the cost of everything? Why do I have a hunch they'll be told not to hold their hand somewhere waiting for an answer.


6. If the Giants & Jets insist on using the name "NEW YORK" in their team logos, shouldn't there be a licensing or "royalties" fee paid be either the states or teams to the state of New Jersey?


7. How are the bills handled by the Giants/Jets for their utilities?


Doesn't the public have a right to know? I say they do, OR CHANGE their team names accordingly.

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Tuesday morning, the City of New York is throwing a parade for the 2008 Super Bowl Champion New York Giants. There are several questions that would provide many different interesting answers.


1. The parade is being held in the "Canyon of Champions" by the City of New York


2. Has anyone asked Mayor Michael Bloomburg what will the cost be to the city for the added Police Security?


3. What about the cost of the added sanitation workers from the City DPW to handle the cleanup?


4. Has anyone asked why Giants are listed as an NFL team from New York, when their home stadium is located in East Ruthrford, New Jersey?


5. Will anyone from Mayor Bloomberg or Governor Spitzer's office contact the Governor's office in New Jersey to ask for assistance in defraying the cost of everything? Why do I have a hunch they'll be told not to hold their hand somewhere waiting for an answer.


6. If the Giants & Jets insist on using the name "NEW YORK" in their team logos, shouldn't there be a licensing or "royalties" fee paid be either the states or teams to the state of New Jersey?


7. How are the bills handled by the Giants/Jets for their utilities?


Doesn't the public have a right to know? I say they do, OR CHANGE their team names accordingly.







maybe you could do some research yourself instead of trying to get people concerned about a trivial issue. look up the giants 2 other superbowl parades and see who paid what. i know it actually would take 15 minutes of your time. my guess is the parade is being thrown by the city so the bills are being paid by the city. do you know how much revenue the giants bring to that region anually? billions. i would also guess the giants pay their own utilities since they are a govt agency. so try and look at the big picture. why do you think mayors of cities are lined up to try and get an NFL franchise in their city. the city benefits as well as the players and owners. not a big sports person are ya?


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maybe you could do some research yourself instead of trying to get people concerned about a trivial issue. look up the giants 2 other superbowl parades and see who paid what. i know it actually would take 15 minutes of your time. my guess is the parade is being thrown by the city so the bills are being paid by the city. do you know how much revenue the giants bring to that region anually? billions. i would also guess the giants pay their own utilities since they are a govt agency. so try and look at the big picture. why do you think mayors of cities are lined up to try and get an NFL franchise in their city. the city benefits as well as the players and owners. not a big sports person are ya?


Tell the person to look up ANY parade that have gone down the canyon!!! How about the Macy's parade?? Do you think that Macy's pays for the millions of police officers that are on Overtime because of it??? Listen, (far be it to defend the Giants)...but if you don't like them just rail on them as a team...Don't try to get everybodys DELETED up saying that it is a tax dollars thing!!!


Go out and throw a ball around or something.....aka.....GET A LIFE!!!

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Tuesday morning, the City of New York is throwing a parade for the 2008 Super Bowl Champion New York Giants. There are several questions that would provide many different interesting answers.


1. The parade is being held in the "Canyon of Champions" by the City of New York


2. Has anyone asked Mayor Michael Bloomburg what will the cost be to the city for the added Police Security?


3. What about the cost of the added sanitation workers from the City DPW to handle the cleanup?


4. Has anyone asked why Giants are listed as an NFL team from New York, when their home stadium is located in East Ruthrford, New Jersey?


5. Will anyone from Mayor Bloomberg or Governor Spitzer's office contact the Governor's office in New Jersey to ask for assistance in defraying the cost of everything? Why do I have a hunch they'll be told not to hold their hand somewhere waiting for an answer.


6. If the Giants & Jets insist on using the name "NEW YORK" in their team logos, shouldn't there be a licensing or "royalties" fee paid be either the states or teams to the state of New Jersey?


7. How are the bills handled by the Giants/Jets for their utilities?


Doesn't the public have a right to know? I say they do, OR CHANGE their team names accordingly.


Sounds like a giant hater to me....Get a life...theres no ROOM for them in New york...and also what about all the other sports teams that have a a little parade or get together when they win a championship...grow up and stop being jealous that the giants won the superbowl...and "stomped" out the patriots undefeated season


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Over a million people who showed up to watch the parade, spending all that money in New York City for the day. I'm sure the tax revenues were more than covered for the day.

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Tuesday morning, the City of New York is throwing a parade for the 2008 Super Bowl Champion New York Giants. There are several questions that would provide many different interesting answers.


1. The parade is being held in the "Canyon of Champions" by the City of New York


2. Has anyone asked Mayor Michael Bloomburg what will the cost be to the city for the added Police Security?


3. What about the cost of the added sanitation workers from the City DPW to handle the cleanup?


4. Has anyone asked why Giants are listed as an NFL team from New York, when their home stadium is located in East Ruthrford, New Jersey?


5. Will anyone from Mayor Bloomberg or Governor Spitzer's office contact the Governor's office in New Jersey to ask for assistance in defraying the cost of everything? Why do I have a hunch they'll be told not to hold their hand somewhere waiting for an answer.


6. If the Giants & Jets insist on using the name "NEW YORK" in their team logos, shouldn't there be a licensing or "royalties" fee paid be either the states or teams to the state of New Jersey?


7. How are the bills handled by the Giants/Jets for their utilities?


Doesn't the public have a right to know? I say they do, OR CHANGE their team names accordingly.


1 - your observation is correct they did hold a parade.

2 - no I did NOT, but what do I car since I live upstate ny and left downstate region 20+ years ago

3 - see answer #2

4 - probably because their home office is in NY but they play in NJ, just a guess

5 - you're dreaming right??

6 - dude you sure have some nice dreams, can I borrow some of your meds....

7 - I am sure they pay their own bills....handled how???....like does some one actually touch the paper bill, or is it all done through machine/computer...??? who really cares how they handle their bills...oh wait, the Jets have to handle the bills since the Bills are an AFC team, but then again the Giants play them sometimes too...oops I went off track...I am sure the bills at giants stadium gets paid some how and they figure out who owes what by them selves without some BC Voice troll getting nosy in their business....

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There is a new stadium project ongoing on the West Side of Manhattan right now for the Jets and Giants to play in.

I'm not sure the current status, but it's been in the news over the last few years. I think there's a holdup with the land.


To a previous poster: NYC has never held a parade for a professional football team before.

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There is a new stadium project ongoing on the West Side of Manhattan right now for the Jets and Giants to play in.

I'm not sure the current status, but it's been in the news over the last few years. I think there's a holdup with the land.


To a previous poster: NYC has never held a parade for a professional football team before.



the 86 and 90 giants didn't have parades? was i hallucinating?

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