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How did You do it?

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I smoked 2 packs a day and quit cold turkey at least 10 years ago. Been so long I can't remember exactly. Quit in the middle of a pack - just threw them out. I really, really wanted to do it at the time and that was the key for me. Mostly because I wanted to do everything possible to stay alive until my daughter was grown. Hated the though of someone else raising her. I think it's personal and you have to find what works for you best - gum - drugs - prayer - whatever. There's lots of good advice in this thread. Hope you find what works for you. Good luck to you and everyone here who wants to quit. Hope you all succeed. Save your smokes money and go on vacation or buy some gas.

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I quit - cold turkey 15 months ago. You have to WANT to quit. Tell everyone, that was my mistake. I wanted to quit, but had no backbone (I thought.) Friends have been very supportive. I have a repiratory therapist as a neighbor, my biggest supporter!

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