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Iraq and al Qaeda not linked....

Guest Colin Powell

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Guest Colin Powell



WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. military's first and only study looking into ties between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda showed no connection between the two, according to a military report released by the Pentagon.


The report released by the Joint Forces Command five years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq said it found no "smoking gun" after reviewing about 600,000 Iraqi documents captured in the invasion and looking at interviews of key Iraqi leadership held by the United States, Pentagon officials said.


The assessment of the al Qaeda connection and the insistence that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction were two primary elements in the Bush administration's arguments in favor of going to war with Iraq.


The Pentagon's report also contradicts then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who said in September 2002 that the CIA provided "bulletproof" evidence demonstrating "that there are, in fact, al Qaeda in Iraq."






That silence I'm hearing is the lack of wind in the sails of dozens of BCV Bushbots who have insisted for almost 5 years that Saddam and Osama were breakfast buddies.


It would now appear that the Bush White House and Rummy were a big 0 for 2.


That's gotta hurt.


The good news is I won't have to read any more foaming at the mouth rantings about the Iraq-al qaeda Connection anymore.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. military's first and only study looking into ties between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda showed no connection between the two, according to a military report released by the Pentagon.


The report released by the Joint Forces Command five years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq said it found no "smoking gun" after reviewing about 600,000 Iraqi documents captured in the invasion and looking at interviews of key Iraqi leadership held by the United States, Pentagon officials said.


The assessment of the al Qaeda connection and the insistence that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction were two primary elements in the Bush administration's arguments in favor of going to war with Iraq.


The Pentagon's report also contradicts then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who said in September 2002 that the CIA provided "bulletproof" evidence demonstrating "that there are, in fact, al Qaeda in Iraq."








That silence I'm hearing is the lack of wind in the sails of dozens of BCV Bushbots who have insisted for almost 5 years that Saddam and Osama were breakfast buddies.


It would now appear that the Bush White House and Rummy were a big 0 for 2.


That's gotta hurt.


The good news is I won't have to read any more foaming at the mouth rantings about the Iraq-al qaeda Connection anymore.





They will try and re-draw connections with more imaginary lines.......

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Wait a minute. I thought the military always lied. We aren't supposed to believe anything coming out of the Pentagon. But now, it is the paragon of truth? So what is it?

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How, then, to explain this sentence about Iraq and al Qaeda from this report's abstract: "At times, these organizations would work together in pursuit of shared goals but still maintain their autonomy and independence because of innate caution and mutual distrust"? And how to explain the "considerable overlap" between their activities which led not only to the appearances of ties but to a "de facto link between the organizations?" Read the report!

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How, then, to explain this sentence about Iraq and al Qaeda from this report's abstract: "At times, these organizations would work together in pursuit of shared goals but still maintain their autonomy and independence because of innate caution and mutual distrust"? And how to explain the "considerable overlap" between their activities which led not only to the appearances of ties but to a "de facto link between the organizations?" Read the report!

They won't read the report my friend. These liberal pantie wastes gleam on to one sentence that fits their agenda (just as does the MSM) and run it into the ground until they convince their like minded nimrods friends that they have made a profound discovery.


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There were no operational links but there were administrative/logistical and support links, funny how fast the MSM forgot about Ansar Al Islam and the compound they had in northern Iraq (which was one of the first targets we hit at the beginning of OIF) or Zarqawi living in Baghdad after he was wounded in Afghanistan all courtesy of Saddam. This sh*t just drives me friggin nut's how biased the MSM is.


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we need another clinton. the bush's have lost the wars they engaged in. and became rich on account. impeach bush. elect hillary.



Are you people even remotely aware of how wholly predictable and tiresome your relentless doctrinaire preachifying is? I’m guessing no, but hey, I could be wrong.

(BTW: Where are those Articles of Impeachment? HMMMMMMMMMMM???)

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Captured Iraqi documents have uncovered evidence that links the regime of Saddam Hussein to regional and global terrorism, including a variety of revolutionary, liberation, nationalist and Islamic terrorist organizations. While these documents do not reveal direct coordination and assistance between the Saddam regime and the al Qaeda network, they do indicate that Saddam was willing to use, albeit cautiously, operatives affiliated with al Qaeda as long as Saddam could have these terrorist-operatives monitored closely. Because Saddam's security organizations and Osama bin Laden's terrorist network operated with similar aims (at least in the short term), considerable overlap was inevitable when monitoring, contacting, financing, and training the same outside groups. This created both the appearance of and, in some way, a "de facto" link between the organizations. At times, these organizations would work together in pursuit of shared goals but still maintain their autonomy and independence because of innate caution and mutual distrust. Though the execution of Iraqi terror plots was not always successful, evidence shows that Saddam’s use of terrorist tactics and his support for terrorist groups remained strong up until the collapse of the regime.

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They won't read the report my friend. These liberal pantie wastes gleam on to one sentence that fits their agenda (just as does the MSM) and run it into the ground until they convince their like minded nimrods friends that they have made a profound discovery.



Just so you know, when you post replies with names you'd hear on a playground, you relinquish your credibility. No one takes you seriously.


Something to keep in mind.


But then, maybe being taken seriously is not what you want.

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Just so you know, when you post replies with names you'd hear on a playground, you relinquish your credibility. No one takes you seriously.


Something to keep in mind.


But then, maybe being taken seriously is not what you want.



We moonbats don't actually read the reports, whenever one is issued. We just say what we think should be in it, cuz lets face it those things are long and maybe only one or 2 people would actually read the whole report and those people would be considered loons to go against us the powerful MSM.


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They won't read the report my friend. These liberal pantie wastes gleam on to one sentence that fits their agenda (just as does the MSM) and run it into the ground until they convince their like minded nimrods friends that they have made a profound discovery.


So Neo-Con conservative BUSHBOTS are Bigots, Hyprocrites, & Draft Dodgers!!! Go salute your US Flag which is probably made in China!!!!

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So Neo-Con conservative BUSHBOTS are Bigots, Hyprocrites, & Draft Dodgers!!! Go salute your US Flag which is probably made in China!!!!


Further proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.


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The report say that Iraqi and al Qaeda terrorists spent time in the same sewers but the fact that the goals and methods of the Baathist party and al Qaeda were mutually exclusive. Is that too hard to understand.


I am not sure people believe the military lied, the point is that there were conflicting reports that Bush characterized as ironclad proof for war with Iraq. Bush lied, Cheney lied, Rumsfeld lied.




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Wait a minute. I thought the military always lied. We aren't supposed to believe anything coming out of the Pentagon. But now, it is the paragon of truth? So what is it?


who said the military lied?


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They won't read the report my friend. These liberal pantie wastes gleam on to one sentence that fits their agenda (just as does the MSM) and run it into the ground until they convince their like minded nimrods friends that they have made a profound discovery.



Further proof that Being an Ultra-Right Wing Neo-Con is a mental disorder.

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The report say that Iraqi and al Qaeda terrorists spent time in the same sewers but the fact that the goals and methods of the Baathist party and al Qaeda were mutually exclusive. Is that too hard to understand.


I am not sure people believe the military lied, the point is that there were conflicting reports that Bush characterized as ironclad proof for war with Iraq. Bush lied, Cheney lied, Rumsfeld lied.



Bush did not lie. Document your point or don't bother making it. You guys have been telling yourselves this for years until you actually believe it. What did Himmler say about the BIG Lie?


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"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002.

I told you Hillary Clinton was a liar.

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Heres another liar:


"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."

--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998


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Further proof that Being an Ultra-Right Wing Neo-Con is a mental disorder.

Correction pal most would call that having a firm grasp on reality.

Another realm that you liberals have only occasionally read about. But never believed in

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Isnt this the 15th version of the "No Sadaam/Terror Links" agitprop the MSM has tried to foist on the average schmuck news consumer?

Seems every election cycle we get a new version of this fib.


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Further proof that Being an Ultra-Right Wing Neo-Con is a mental disorder.





Here's a dollar; buy a clue instead of parroting leftist barfing points.


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Most people's memories are very short. There were many reasons to go to WAR with Saddam, and we were backed by Congress, the UN, and many other countries!


It was not based just on WMD’s , or Terrorist ties!


The Liberal media wants everyone to think this, so they can manipulate their propaganda machine.


The whole idea was to put so much bad news to the public, over a long period of time, people would start believing what they were reading.


It makes me sick that people in our own Govt. would stoop so low as to vote for surrender and defeat, instead of finding a way to win, and have victory just for the sake of the Party!


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