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Heads should roll at Binghamton University

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Because the so called students were out of line and should be prosecuted to tyhe fullest extent of the law-which should include jail time!!



You're right.


Send them to jail for disrupting traffic for 20 minutes.


Do they get the chair if they littered, too?

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What in the hell are you saying????????

Do you have ANY idea what this country was founded on at all?

I am not taking a stand on the war one way or another, but college students protesting against a war is a HUGE part of the RIGHTS that our soldiers are and always have fought and died for.

For Christ's sake (and don't delete that, it isn't a swear word, I do mean for His sake), for the sake of freedom, think about what you are saying, for once.

The right to protest is one of the most unusual rights that we citizens of the US has...very very very few people in the history of the world that have every had that right. Agree or disagree, it is a basic, amazing and permanent RIGHT as citizens....

C'mon people - did they teach you anything in school about the Constitution?

Having siad that, if they broke the law (and I don't know if they did or not), sure, they should be subject to arrest.....but it looked like a crap-load of cops for a few kids protesting -

My guess? Charges against the kids will be dropped...

Seriously, start looking past your knee jerk response and THINK about what your rights - and those of others REALLY mean.

And, by the way, watch John Adams on HBO...it drives this point home.


Absolutely correct. And as far as expelling the students and firing the faculty that participated in the rally, get bent. I am sure there will be fines to pay by all involved which amounts to more money for your community. So I guess we should all just sit behind our computers and complain? Hats off to you protesters, but next time don't hold me up on the parkway, OK? Traffic there is bad enough. As for the people who got pepper sprayed, I would file a lawsuit. Even if you don't win, it will make the powers that be work for their money...

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Guest Rubbernecker

The Biggest Automobile accident occured in the other lanes away from the protesters. One car slowed to gawk at the procfeedings and the women behind was rubbernecking at the protest and rammed into the rear of the first car!!!

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Guest mr peabody
You're right.


Send them to jail for disrupting traffic for 20 minutes.


Do they get the chair if they littered, too?



they should.The "students" are destryoing th e earth by liteering

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