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Winston the donkey RIP

Sleepless in Hillcrest

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A few of you may remember from the old board that I was fighting with the town clerk about a license renewal for a dead dog. They kept sending me notices and I kept telling them that Winston had died. Finally, I wrote to them and told them that I woke up one morning last June and Winston had turned into a donkey...so I didn't think I needed to renew his license. The notices stopped!!!


I stopped by after work tonight to pay my taxes, two months late as usual (not a financial hardship...I'm just the ultimate procrastinator, ask my wife). As I'm paying my tax bill, she says we have another matter to discuss before you leave, and I'm thinking, geez what did I do now? She goes around the corner and returns and hands me a twenty dollar bill and two quarters. I didn't have a neuter certificate for Winston, when I originally licensed him. She had taken the time, to call NYC and verify that my story was true. Winston had been neutered, so I got the reduced rate. She held that money for me for over a year and a half. What a nice lady, with a terrific memory. I didn't mention the donkey thing and neither did she.


Winston the donkey, you can now rest in peace! I'll see you at the bridge.

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