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GWB's Legacy

Guest Mr. Anti-BDS Guy

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Guest Mr. Anti-BDS Guy




You may think your job is safe. But you still may not be spared the pain resulting from the weak labor market.


The loss of nearly a quarter-million jobs so far this year and a jump in the unemployment rate means the debate over whether there is a recession is pretty much over.


Here's a look at how a deteriorating job market could lead to a worse recession than many are predicting:


First of all, a weak labor market could lead to smaller wage increases for workers in all types of industries, as employers get more conservative.


A recent survey by human resources consulting firm Mercer found that 6% of U.S. employers are already trimming their compensation budgets and another 10% are considering cuts.


But the real problem for workers is that slim salary increases may not keep up with inflation, especially with food and energy prices soaring.



Anyone with a brain knows that the only reason all this is happening is because liberals hate GWB. If we would just stop hatin on him, it would be nothing but sunny days in Paradise USA.


BDS is the sole cause for all these financial woes. And, of course, it's never as bad as the liberal media makes it out to be. They just want to make GWB look bad. It's a Grand Conspiracy by libs and Muslims.


Gasoline is currently more than $1.67 more than it was when the Great Leader took office. Jobs have been shipped overseas daily since the Great Leader took office. Life for the average American is not better since the Great Leader took office. But he's still the Greatest Prez ever.

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What are you talking about? The Clintons have made $109 million dollars with Bush in office.

Are they struggling?

Their daughter works for a hedge fund. The only purpose of a hedge fund is to make rich people richer.

Is she struggling?



You're talking about one family. Last I knew the population of the US was a bit more than a few people.


No defense for the Bungler in Chief? No problem, change the subject.




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You're talking about one family. Last I knew the population of the US was a bit more than a few people.


No defense for the Bungler in Chief? No problem, change the subject.





Well for 2 people to make $109 million they had to take it from someone. They produced NOTHING so they had to take it from someone. Who did they get it from?




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Well for 2 people to make $109 million they had to take it from someone. They produced NOTHING so they had to take it from someone. Who did they get it from?






You're right. GWB has done so much better.

He sure has produced death, misery, distrust on a global scale.

And now, just as he's wrapping it up, he's put his stamp on the US economy.


Wadda guy.

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You're right. GWB has done so much better.

He sure has produced death, misery, distrust on a global scale.

And now, just as he's wrapping it up, he's put his stamp on the US economy.


Wadda guy.




My Hero. Our Great Leader. I wish I had children to pass his legacy to...........



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My Hero. Our Great Leader. I wish I had children to pass his legacy to...........

Don't worry, there are a lot of other Americans who will be able to pass a legacy onto because of what GWB did to protect this country.


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1. We will have troops committed to maintaining an unpopular state in Iraq


2. We will have troops committed to Afghanistan doing whatever we are currently doing.


3. Al Qaeda will still be operational, bin Ladden alive and free.


4. Gasoline will be $4.00 per gallon


5. The U.S. will be in recession.


6. The U.S. will be over $9 Trillion in debt.


7. The relationship between the Congress and Presidency will be changed, with more power going to one man.


8. The U.S. military will be exhausted.


9. Milk will be $4.00 for a half gallon.


He should be proud.

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1. We will have troops committed to maintaining an unpopular state in Iraq


2. We will have troops committed to Afghanistan doing whatever we are currently doing.


3. Al Qaeda will still be operational, bin Ladden alive and free.


4. Gasoline will be $4.00 per gallon


5. The U.S. will be in recession.


6. The U.S. will be over $9 Trillion in debt.


7. The relationship between the Congress and Presidency will be changed, with more power going to one man.


8. The U.S. military will be exhausted.


9. Milk will be $4.00 for a half gallon.


He should be proud.



....and even though he eddicated us all about how we're "addicted to oil", we're still not much closer to developing sustainable, plentiful alternative sources of energy.




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Let's not forget some of the Dear Leader's other great accomplishments.


No Child Left Behind


Medicare Prescription drug benefit


Real ID


Security and Prosperity Partnership


Patriot Act

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Let's not forget some of the Dear Leader's other great accomplishments.


No Child Left Behind


Medicare Prescription drug benefit


Real ID


Security and Prosperity Partnership


Patriot Act

Those are all truly Conservative programs.

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I wonder if Dubya is thinking about his legacy.


He knows the truth about Iraq and Afghanistan. He know the real numbers about the economy.


So does he need to do something that would be an unmitigated success, like at attack on Iran?


Think about


the attack on shias


the speed boat provocation


the influence of neocons like http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewarti...bing-Iran-10882


I didn't think he could possibly do this but, can 2009 get here soon enough.


McCain also seems to be hot about Iran.

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