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Pathetic Tarik

Guest Mac

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Great letter this morning from one who knows business. Taking aim at Tarik and those who are playing house with our City. Impeachment of a President on the table, when our roads are a mess, downtown is a filth hole and drugs and crime continue, but the gay flag was hoisted. From the Mayor on down, since he took office and those who are his right hand are an embarressment.

Tarik, took on a personal vendetta having nothing to do with running the cities business, that's how egotistical and childish those who represent Binghamton show us their true hand.

City Council is a joke never before have we seen such a decline in those we were in hopes of taking care of the city. Oh no, don't get me wrong I took no part in electing these MORON'S!

As usual you rally those who want a hand out and you get those who never voted in their life, cause, "Gosh WE WANT!" or Non for Profit's!

The new has sent away those who cared an worked for the cities best interest. How sad this is, for those who left, many of us will as well. There is no fighting City Hall as they say, for they are united together for ruining this city and they shut out all who had a voice to bring her back. :(

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If Ryan had told the electorate he was going to appoint Tarik Abdelazim as Executive Assistant, Ryan would never have been elected. Something else he screwed people over with.

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So you are a Bush supporter and you support the war. You are the minority in N. Y.

Do you also claim to be a "Christian".


Was "Bring it on" a smart thing to say when we had men in harms way? Was it a Christian thing to say?


Diplomacy is what we need. Saddam was so terrible according to you folks that we had to destoy Iraq. We would all be better off if we made peace with Saddam but that would require forgiveness, something you American Christians are incapable of. Can you imagine giving Iraq billions of dollors to build power plants and sewage treatment plants and houses and schools and roads, no, you fake Christians can only threaten and fight. There is no peace in your heart.

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I'm Jesus would have invaded Iraq if he were alive and it were his decision to make.


Saddam was contained and posed no threat. "Making peace" with some humans is not possible. All you can do is minimize the threat to your nation, which was exactly the situation that existed before March 19, 2003.


The invasion and subsequent 4+ year occupation was a total waste of all that money and all those lives.

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I suppose we could have sat and had tea and cookies with him, but when we would be attacked again, you would be the first to say"WHY DIDN'T WE DO SOMETHING!" Yeah, got your number, or you would rather be shot between the eyes as a martyr than stand up for yourself, let alone your country..Pathetic snot nose wimpies!

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I suppose we could have sat and had tea and cookies with him, but when we would be attacked again, you would be the first to say"WHY DIDN'T WE DO SOMETHING!" Yeah, got your number, or you would rather be shot between the eyes as a martyr than stand up for yourself, let alone your country..Pathetic snot nose wimpies!



Idiocy on the March, again.


Saddam was not involved in 9/11.


There were no Iraqis on the planes on 9/11. There were a few Saudis. GWB is family friends of the people who control Saudi Arabia.


Do the math.

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Wow, you the know it all. Guess we should have listened to you, as you have insight as to Saddam and what he did or didn't do.

My how superior you are to have all the answers, enough to make judgement about those who did what they thought was right, and I do believe in my opinion they were right.

I do believe the weapons were removed, I do believe he had contacts with the Terrorsits, but you know so much more than the rest of us after 3,000 Americans died , I guess we should have contacted you first, OH GREAT ONE!............................................ IDIOT! : :lol:

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"Diplomacy is what we need. Saddam was so terrible according to you folks that we had to destoy Iraq. We would all be better off if we made peace with Saddam but that would require forgiveness, something you American Christians are incapable of. Can yo..."


I weep for your ignorance.

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Weep well! Not touched by your stupidity! Plate of cookies perhaps?


What the hay do the last half a dozen post have to do with Tarik? Start another bytch thread.


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Wow, you the know it all. Guess we should have listened to you, as you have insight as to Saddam and what he did or didn't do.

My how superior you are to have all the answers, enough to make judgement about those who did what they thought was right, and I do believe in my opinion they were right.

I do believe the weapons were removed, I do believe he had contacts with the Terrorsits, but you know so much more than the rest of us after 3,000 Americans died , I guess we should have contacted you first, OH GREAT ONE!............................................ IDIOT! : :lol:



Hypocrisy. Look it up. It's you.


I get my info from the same place most people do...the news.


Tell us then, All Knowing One, how many Iraqis were on the jet planes on 9/11?


Why is it not ok for me to "judge" (I call that "having an opinion), but it's ok for you to do the same?


You "believe" the weapons were removed??? I used to "believe" there was an Easter Bunny. Ever hear of something called a "satellite"? They take photos from the sky. They could easily have seen the trucks full of WMD's as they were being driven out of Iraq on the road to Syria.



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Sooo....we should have attacked Saudi Arabia? And somebody would have leveled half of Mecca to make it look like we did it. Guess what? EVERY Muslim in the world would be loading up magazines for their weapons and strapping on suicide vests. Not just the folks in the middle east...but all over the world. Especially the ones here in the US.

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So you are a Bush supporter and you support the war. You are the minority in N. Y.

Do you also claim to be a "Christian".


Was "Bring it on" a smart thing to say when we had men in harms way? Was it a Christian thing to say?


Diplomacy is what we need. Saddam was so terrible according to you folks that we had to destoy Iraq. We would all be better off if we made peace with Saddam but that would require forgiveness, something you American Christians are incapable of. Can you imagine giving Iraq billions of dollors to build power plants and sewage treatment plants and houses and schools and roads, no, you fake Christians can only threaten and fight. There is no peace in your heart.

Clinton voted to go to war. Why is she not being impeached? We bombed and killed thousands in the Balkens. Where were are the peace now crowd? It's all about politics nothing more. A rep in the white house. if Gore had gone to war we would hear nothing about this.


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Hypocrisy. Look it up. It's you.


I get my info from the same place most people do...the news.


Tell us then, All Knowing One, how many Iraqis were on the jet planes on 9/11?


Why is it not ok for me to "judge" (I call that "having an opinion), but it's ok for you to do the same?


You "believe" the weapons were removed??? I used to "believe" there was an Easter Bunny. Ever hear of something called a "satellite"? They take photos from the sky. They could easily have seen the trucks full of WMD's as they were being driven out of Iraq on the road to Syria.



There is strong evidence that Iraqi WMD were moved pre-invasion. However, I would not make that case. Primarily because it is not needed to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. For some reason, no one cares that the other twenty-some Congressional causes were still as valid as when they had been first approved in October 2002.




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Sooo....we should have attacked Saudi Arabia? And somebody would have leveled half of Mecca to make it look like we did it. Guess what? EVERY Muslim in the world would be loading up magazines for their weapons and strapping on suicide vests. Not just the folks in the middle east...but all over the world. Especially the ones here in the US.



Wow. You sure know how to read into something stuff that's not there.

I don't think we should have invaded ANYONE other than Afghanistan.


Ease off the coffee, Sparky.

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There is strong evidence that Iraqi WMD were moved pre-invasion. However, I would not make that case. Primarily because it is not needed to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. For some reason, no one cares that the other twenty-some Congressional causes were still as valid as when they had been first approved in October 2002.



I have yet to see a single satellite image of a truck carrying a single WMD out of Iraq. I noticed that Powell did not present any when he went to Congress to make his point, nor did anyone after that.

To date, I've yet to hear or see a single mention of any sort of proof that WMD's were ferried out at any point.


You do know that some satellite cameras can just about get your license plate #, right?

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I have yet to see a single satellite image of a truck carrying a single WMD out of Iraq. I noticed that Powell did not present any when he went to Congress to make his point, nor did anyone after that.

To date, I've yet to hear or see a single mention of any sort of proof that WMD's were ferried out at any point.


You do know that some satellite cameras can just about get your license plate #, right?



This is why I would not base any WMD case on this scenario. The evidence is all anecdotal, using sources who say that they SAW this happen. Nevertheless, this may end up being an authentic action.

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I have yet to see a single satellite image of a truck carrying a single WMD out of Iraq. I noticed that Powell did not present any when he went to Congress to make his point, nor did anyone after that.

To date, I've yet to hear or see a single mention of any sort of proof that WMD's were ferried out at any point.


You do know that some satellite cameras can just about get your license plate #, right?



Have you ever noticed that it’s always politicians, media types, and either washed up or disgruntled, anonymous intelligence sources who claim there never was any WMD in Iraq? On the other hand, every single commander and deputy commander of CENTCOM says that Saddam did have WMD. So too do the inspectors with the closest knowledge of before and after inspections: Dr Butler, Dr Kay, Dr Duelfer, and most of the former UN inspectors. Is this subject one where the word of a former governor of Vermont is better than that of highly decorated generals and weapons inspectors who have served their country all over the world for decades? Perhaps it’s wiser to believe the professionals who serve with honor and for whom lying is a disgrace rather than a politician for whom pandering to constituents and the party base isn’t lying. It’s “spin.”


If one is to raise an eyebrow and for a moment believe the Generals, then the obvious question is, “What happened to Saddam’s WMD?” The former dictator declared them, and declared them destroyed but offered no evidence of their destruction; no wreckage, no contaminated sand, no documents, and not even witnesses. One must wonder how the most poisonous chemicals and biological agents ever made by man just disappear without leaving a trace, without anyone logging their destruction, and without anyone having done the destruction themselves. Moreover, if the WMD once did exist (as Saddam, the UN, and the Clinton and Bush Administrations as well as the world all acknowledge)….then where are they?


There are basically three claims as to what happened to Saddam’s WMD: they were flown to Syria, they were driven to Syria, and they were shipped out on Russian ships.


One of Saddam’s generals, General Georges Sada, has come forward with claims that Saddam moved his “special weapons” out of Iraq, to Syria in late summer 2002. He allegedly did this under the guise of humanitarian aid flights to Syria after there was a dam burst in July, and the shipments were made on modified civilian planes, by pilots Sada knows personally. On June 17, 2002, the Times of London reported that Iraqi nuclear centrifuge parts were being smuggled out of Syria-originally stored at the port of Tartus, they had been moved to Damascus International Airport and moved to points unknown from there-effectively corroborating Sada’s story. The Time’s report even cites the Dam break as a cover story, and that cover story is part of Georges Sada’s claims as well. In late summer 2002, we know from the Saddam tapes, from multiple mainstream media interviews with former Iraqi generals, and from the ISG reports that Saddam stunned his general staff by announcing to them that he was letting the UN inspectors back in because there were no longer any “special weapons” in the country.


Other shipments went by truck and storage payment was made to Syria through an arms smuggling front company run by Syrian Intelligence: SES International. That it did exist, was A Syrian Intel front company and was corrupt is not at all in dispute. SES Intl was one of those blatant Oil-For-Food cover companies used by Saddam to buy conventional weapons in exchange for UN oil vouchers. The Duelfer Report is ridden with information about SES International’s illegal sales-sales that Saddam was using to break his conventional arms containment. SES was cited by the Treasury Department as being a front for Syrian Intelligence, a sanction-breaking company, and was being used by Syria’s family to launder money. Assad’s family has also been caught by the UN using the collapsed bank of Al Madina as a similar front company involved in the assassination of Lebanon’s former Prime Minister.


Why believe General Sada? As a pilot himself and an investigator respected by Saddam himself, Sada was the general in charge of interrogating and guarding downed Coalition pilots during Desert Storm. Retired USAF Col. David Eberly (the ranking Coalition POW pilot) writes the introduction to Sada’s book and vouches for his credibility. Two British airmen vouched for his credibility in a book they co-wrote about their experience as POW’s at his hands. In fact, Sada dared to argue with Saddam’s insane son, Uday-who wanted the pilots executed, and Sada was jailed as a result. Opponents to the war should respect his opinion as he was given multiple awards for his peaceful efforts to prevent a war by anti-war groups prior to the invasion. Ali Ibrahim, another of Saddam's former commanders, affirms Sada's story. (“Ali Ibrahim al-Tikriti was a southern regional commander for Saddam Hussein’s Fedayeen militia in the late 1980s and a personal friend of the dictator. Units under his command dealt with chemical and biological weapons”). Perhaps most importantly, the details of his story-as well as all the stories in his book-are well-corroborated by mainstream media reports. Few details are not-except the contents of the planes and trucks that went to Syria. Sada says he knows what was in them, but the ISG, and mainstream media don’t. It’s sad they don’t have one of Sada’s pilots doing the cable news talkshow circuit.



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I have yet to see a single satellite image of a truck carrying a single WMD out of Iraq. I noticed that Powell did not present any when he went to Congress to make his point, nor did anyone after that.

To date, I've yet to hear or see a single mention of any sort of proof that WMD's were ferried out at any point.


You do know that some satellite cameras can just about get your license plate #, right?



Saddam's WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief



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Saddam's WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief




To you and the previous overly verbose poster:


If Saddam shipped them out of Iraq, that would mean he DID NOT HAVE THEM. If he shipped them to Syria, that means SYRIA HAS THEM, AND SADDAM DOESN'T.


I'm having a hard time figuring out what's so hard to understand here. What difference does it make if he destroyed them years before we invaded or he sent them out of Iraq? THEY WEREN'T THERE WHEN WE GOT THERE.


If you expect me to believe that the White House and Pentagon both know that Saddam's huge cache of operational WMD's is sitting in Syria and available for the Syrians to use, and that they've done nothing, well.......that's just plain foolishness.


Why wouldn't we go after all those weapons if we knew where they are, and especially if they are in a nation that we have declared a nation that sponsors terrorism worldwide?


Nothing makes sense about the WMD's being in Syria.

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To you and the previous overly verbose poster:


If Saddam shipped them out of Iraq, that would mean he DID NOT HAVE THEM. If he shipped them to Syria, that means SYRIA HAS THEM, AND SADDAM DOESN'T.


I'm having a hard time figuring out what's so hard to understand here. What difference does it make if he destroyed them years before we invaded or he sent them out of Iraq? THEY WEREN'T THERE WHEN WE GOT THERE.


If you expect me to believe that the White House and Pentagon both know that Saddam's huge cache of operational WMD's is sitting in Syria and available for the Syrians to use, and that they've done nothing, well.......that's just plain foolishness.


Why wouldn't we go after all those weapons if we knew where they are, and especially if they are in a nation that we have declared a nation that sponsors terrorism worldwide?


Nothing makes sense about the WMD's being in Syria.


I'm not prepared to say with certainly that this happened, but I don't know how you can say that this doesn't make sense. The fact that Saddam was still holding on to WMD would put him in direct violation of UN Res. 1441. It would make sense on the eve of US invasion to move the weapons nextdoor, ready to be retrieved when the time was right. Syria was not in violation of any UN resolutions and had done nothing to threaten the US or its neighbors. Why would you dismiss this scenario completely?

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