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The Pope has ticked me off.

Guest Leroy P. Walker

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How about this?






Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children. A paraphilia is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving: nonhuman objects; the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner (not merely simulated); or animals, children, or other nonconsenting persons. Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification. It may be directed toward children of the same sex or children of the other sex. Some pedophiles are attracted to both boys and girls. Some are attracted only to children, while others are attracted to adults as well as to children.


Pedophilia is defined by mental health professionals as a mental disorder, but the American legal system defines acting on a pedophilic urge as a criminal act.



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Splitting hairs over pre or post pubescence is a waste of time.


Sex with teens is still against the law and goes against the morals of the vast majority of Western civilization.


FLDS, anyone?


Trying to vacate the guilt of sexual predatory priests by posting definitions of pubescence should be a crime in itself. Any person who claims to be religious should be excommunicated for that.


I see the Pope didn't try pulling any of that when he spoke to the US.


He just tried to blame it on the Internet and our expanding technology....as if there were no priests committing sex crimes before the Internet.


His Church was shuffling criminals around centuries before anyone knew what the Internet was.

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Splitting hairs over pre or post pubescence is a waste of time.


Sex with teens is still against the law and goes against the morals of the vast majority of Western civilization.


FLDS, anyone?


Trying to vacate the guilt of sexual predatory priests by posting definitions of pubescence should be a crime in itself. Any person who claims to be religious should be excommunicated for that.


I see the Pope didn't try pulling any of that when he spoke to the US.


He just tried to blame it on the Internet and our expanding technology....as if there were no priests committing sex crimes before the Internet.


His Church was shuffling criminals around centuries before anyone knew what the Internet was.



Who stated it was ok? I don't see anyone stating that at all....Call it what it is: a predominately predatory homosexual problem. These priests need to be defrocked and thrown in jail.


Who the heck is stating it's ok?

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This is the main issue.....SEMANTICS! What is it with you people? Just because you don't want the WORD pedophile attached to your church you manipulate words meanings to show that it is really a HOMOSEXUAL problem? The word its self means "child loving". That is indisputable, and the fact that the problem in the church is that of preists molesting children the problem is pedophilia. Don't go and blame the DELETED for your leaders raping children. Face the issue, deal with it, or face extinction.

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It is not a pedophilia problem is what I am stating. They are HORRIBLE crimes. It is primarily a predatory homosexual problem.



Reread my post.....You just did the very thing I was talking about.....just because you don't want the church to be tied WITH THE WORD you make sure people know it is a gay problem. You are just as bad as those people that are trying to change the term "global warming" to "global climate change".

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Reread my post.....You just did the very thing I was talking about.....just because you don't want the church to be tied WITH THE WORD you make sure people know it is a gay problem. You are just as bad as those people that are trying to change the term "global warming" to "global climate change".


The vast majority of the victims were teenagers. This indicates it is not a pedophilia problem. It certainly is a horrible crime, but it is not pedophilia. It is a predatory homosexual problem.


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