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Guest Guest
True to an extent, but you conveiently left out this fact. The price of oil is pegged to the dollar and the Bush Administration has tanked the dollar. You as much as admitted this by saying the price of fuel has been $4.00 per gallon in Europe for years. So in effect the price is static in Europe. Europeans have highways such as the Autobahn and a futuristic rail system with jet trains. We have collapsing bridges, potholes and the urine reeking Grayhound crack express.

I suppose that's Hillarys fault!



Let me correct my own spelling (conveiently) should be conveniently.


Thank You

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yea man I am locked and loaded the man isnt going to win even if he gets the nomination. it is just a giant science experiment by the democrats to pit the first woman and black man against eachother to seperate america and destroy our way of life.


We'll see you in our pretty orange jump-suit.


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Yep. It's always GWB's fault. If only he could control oil prices, but he can't, Hillary can't, Obama can't, the dems can't, the US gov't can't. It is an international problem. Prices set by the speculators and OPEC internationally. The whole world, especially China, is dramatically more oil hungry. Europeans have been spending much more than $4 per gallon for years. It's up around $7 there. I suppose that's GWB's fault too.


It's a worldwide energy issue. Energy will never be cheap again and continue to become more expensive including alternative fuels. Get used to it. Stop your left wing wacko brain washed blame George mantra. Your party has no solution.





What is Carter remembered for? The oil embargo that happened on his watch and gas shortages. Did he cause that to happen? No, but it will always be the anchor around his neck.


Maybe had GWB not gone and spent three King's ransom invading Iraq, we've had the monetary and personnel resources to do something about rising prices around the world.


Just brushing it all off as "hey, crap happens, what can you do??" is irresponsible, immature and selfish.


Again if he's such a genius that he's been able to keep any more attacks on our soil from happening, why is he so helpless to do anything about energy? It's that what we elect a President for? To make sure the wheels dont' fall off? To use the power we invest in him, and the power and pull he has around the world to maintain our way of life?


Of course Big Oil wants us crawling on our knees to get our gas. They, no doubt, have plans in place to "save" us with some alternative energy source so we won't be so dependent on oil.


How cheap do you think that new energy will be? Just cheap enough to get people to switch over to it. Then, as now, they have us all by the short and curlies, pretty much forever.


We've had an ex-oilman in the White House when oil prices have doubled over his term. Common sense will tell you that it wasn't just an accident, or "the way things happened". Was it just coincidence that GWB went marching into the nation with the largest underground stores of oil in the world?


If I'm delusional in my suspicions, then so are 190 million other Americans.




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