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What's Happening in Kirkwood

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As a 36 year resident of the town of Kirkwood, I find it very upsetting that the long standing tradition of Little League & youth sports is falling apart. I have been told that the Little League has dissovled and has been forced to go to Windsor. How sad!

I played Kirkwood Little League and went on to play baseball for Windsor. I learned so much from the program. I looked forward to having my children play for the town, unfortunately I wasn't blessed with any children.

I'm not sure what's going on, but perhaps it's time for a change. The youth board and town board, along with the youth directors had better wake up. The kids need you!

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Guest Schumer

As a 36 year resident of the town of Kirkwood, I find it very upsetting that the long standing tradition of Little League & youth sports is falling apart. I have been told that the Little League has dissovled and has been forced to go to Windsor. How sad!

I played Kirkwood Little League and went on to play baseball for Windsor. I learned so much from the program. I looked forward to having my children play for the town, unfortunately I wasn't blessed with any children.

I'm not sure what's going on, but perhaps it's time for a change. The youth board and town board, along with the youth directors had better wake up. The kids need you!



If we had fracking there would have been a Kirkwood Little League. You get what you sow.

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Guest guest

If we had fracking there would have been a Kirkwood Little League. You get what you sow.

What in the hell are you talking about. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Fracking..Little League? The program is going down hill because the fossil that is running it isn't doing his job and kids went to Windsor so they'd have a place to play. Take your fracking crap to the governor and out of youth sports you moron.

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The guy who runs the boys program is a schmuck and the chic who runs the girls program is a fat blob, but at least she's doing something. There should only be one person running it, period. And for the OP, take your complaint to the town and not BCV.

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Guest Mickey Mantle

If you don't like it, get involved. Griping on the internet doesn't solve anything. Coaching and being a board member does do things.


And yeah, fracking. Hardly. School enrollments and populations are DECLINING in Pennsyltucky, including the production zone. Either take the money and run or get the shaft and run, but either way get out before the benzene is in your water and all of the other crap that goes with it. If you're lucky, you can sell your house for a brothel or drug den..

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That program used to be one that was admired. It was free and they produced some decent athletes. The guy who runs the boys program has run it into the ground and needs to go. The other one is trying to good things and I hope she succeeds. I now have grandchildren in the program, my granddaughter loves it, my grandson begged to go to Windsor.

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Guest Ed Crankshaft

SV girls varsity lost to Norwich. Sometimes the pendulum swings. It's hard to sustain success for long periods of time.


What this post does is point to the declining population and need for mergers. When I was young there was no SV or CV.


Merge Windsor and SV, CV and CF, dissolve Harpursville and split it between those first ones and Afton. Maybe even go back to when there was no M-E and the kids in that area went to Vestal and U-E. You'll end up with stronger sports, lower taxes, more chances for kids to play.

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Guest guest

If you don't like it, get involved. Griping on the internet doesn't solve anything. Coaching and being a board member does do things.


And yeah, fracking. Hardly. School enrollments and populations are DECLINING in Pennsyltucky, including the production zone. Either take the money and run or get the shaft and run, but either way get out before the benzene is in your water and all of the other crap that goes with it. If you're lucky, you can sell your house for a brothel or drug den..


Yeah, I've been a coach and I talked to board members, it doesn't do any good. The "good ole' boys" are all stuck together and don't want to see their reign end, despite that almost every BOY has left and gone to Windsor. The writing is on the wall, apparently they can't read.

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Guest dumb ole farmer

What in the hell are you talking about. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Fracking..Little League? The program is going down hill because the fossil that is running it isn't doing his job and kids went to Windsor so they'd have a place to play. Take your fracking crap to the governor and out of youth sports you moron.



You are the moron. With fracking Kirkwood would not be broke and devoid of children. Without fracking you can waste your time and drive your kids and waste your gas to the loser Windsor program. hheheheheeh

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Guest realitycheck

You are the moron. With fracking Kirkwood would not be broke and devoid of children. Without fracking you can waste your time and drive your kids and waste your gas to the loser Windsor program. hheheheheeh

First of all, the town is not broke. They are one of the only towns to still offer FREE programs to their kids. Secondly, fracking will only make the rich richer and the families on the verge of poverty will still be on the verge of poverty. The families in the middle will remain in the middle, but buy will probably buy

some nice new cars.

The youth programs are vital to the future of the school athletes. Many families haven't chosen to believe that their child is major league material and have hauled their child off to camps and winter clinics. The regular people can't do that and fracking won't change that. The town needs to wake up. Gordi looks like a fool. It's not just their youth program making them look bad, it's the nepitism. They started to clean out and made a good first move by firing the highway department THIEF, but they need to keep going. As I recall, the "fossil" somene referred to, is related to all the "town people." So, he's not going to go any where until you all start taking your complaints off the computer and to the "non-related" board.


The boys program is finished, it's a shame. Who knows if it can be rebuilt. It happened because it was allowed to happen. It will continue to happen. Have fun in Windsor boys!

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While i dont support the head of the program in kirkwoood, he is a major hot head, I would say between declining population, the flood, the fact that parents dont care, and the fact that no one has a problem with kids playing in another town would be major reasons for the numbers dropping. Also I am sure he has some to do with it but not all.

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The population is the same as it's always been, the flood hasn't changed a thing. In fact, my girls are on a softball team with 12 other girls and there are two other teams with the same numbers. It is time for a change, but because "old buddies" stay together, it's not going to happen. The one Little League coach is discusting and should not be allowed around children, yet he's been there since I was a kid. Again, he's buddies with the guy running the program. While I understand the frustration of the boys' parents, if you have a problem you need to take it to the town.

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Merge Windsor and SV, CV and CF, dissolve Harpursville and split it between those first ones and Afton. Maybe even go back to when there was no M-E and the kids in that area went to Vestal and U-E. You'll end up with stronger sports, lower taxes, more chances for kids to play.


Harpursville has close to 150 kids in the youth baseball program alone this year (not counting softball). They don't need any dissolving thank you. In fact other towns should take a look at their program as an example for how to accomplish something positive for the kids, who don't have much else to do in a rural area.

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Guest busterbrown

Harpursville has close to 150 kids in the youth baseball program alone this year (not counting softball). They don't need any dissolving thank you. In fact other towns should take a look at their program as an example for how to accomplish something positive for the kids, who don't have much else to do in a rural area.

I also think that dissolving would solve anything.


I honestly believe that girls program will be fine in Kirkwood. She has added to the existing programs for the girls, a benefit that most of our community would not have. She is trying very hard, she's young and ambitious. The boys program unfortunately is separate from the girls and the guy running that is old and burned out. He needs to step aside and let her take it over. If she had the whole program, it may be ok, but will take a lot of work to get it back to where it used to be. Years ago, there were 7 teams in little league.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I've found out that they aren't having teener-league. I called the guy to get my boy signed up and he said Kirkwood isn't on the schedule and they aren't having it. Now, I've missed the signe-ups in the other towns, so my kid can't play now. Thanks Gary! I played ball for Gary when I was a kid and it sickens me to see where that program has gone. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

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Guest Forker

Its happening everywhere, Forks LL is a mess too. A certain Varsity baseball coach came down to "save the program and now his boys are "allstars". What a joke.

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