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Can colleges and schools ever be made safe?

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Gun laws will not stop this from happening. Gun laws only keep guns out of the hands of honest citizens. Psychos and criminals will always find a way to obtain a weapon.

This is probably the most accurate response you will get if this thread goes 20 pages. Stop and think about it if you lock the doors on your house will it stop the thieves from breaking in nooo they will break the windows.

If you lock the doors on your car will they not steal your car???? noooo they will break the windows.

Why is it that you people think if you limit the legal number of gun purchasers that this will limit the number of people that will find a way to get guns in there hands and kill someone????????????? Do you think that if you outlaw guns that human kind will forget how to build a accurate shooting firearm???????? You can't turn back the clock to the stone age it has everything to do with morals, and trust me as we all know there is very little of that being taught in our world today!!!!!!!

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This is a CNN.com web site question. So far, 82% said no. When I was in school(1970's), someone pulled a knife just once in all of high school... she was from NYC area. Now days, they have to have metal detectors at the doors. Kids shooting up college and high school campuses. As I see it, the main difference just 30 years ago, God was allowed in schools, teachers were allowed to discipline kids (cant even raise your voice now). Spanking your kids kept them in line, now its considered child abuse. All of these changes were brought about by liberal thinking. When are people going to realize the reasons today's kids are so dangerous? Yes, I said dangerous! Lack of discipline and moral values, the break up of families (not limited to but including accepting gays to marry and adopt) are major contributors. God help us all if this continues in the same direction it has been or (most likely gets worse)! I thank God that my father was strong enough and CARED enough to discipline me when I needed it. That included yelling, spanking and sometimes the belt. If I wanted something, many times all I got was NO. Many times I got yes too but the no's were so not to spoil me and to teach me that if you want something, you had to earn it. I called anyone who could call my parents by their first name Mr., Mrs. or sir. So many today are so spoiled and in dire need of discipline. :(


There were plenty of shootings, broken homes, and dangerous kids 30 years ago. The difference is it wasn't the information age and the 24 hour news cycle. The old media reported news, today they package panic, fear, and shock as a commodity. 50 kids a year get killed in school ? What is that .00001%? Is that a number worth getting upset about?


Gangs have been around since the dawn of man. This is nothing new. The inner city is much different than the other 90% of the country. Kids do need discipline, but you are stealing quotes from your parents, their parents, their parents, their parents, ect... for the last 20,000 years.


God has nothing to do with it. That's poor rationale used to inflate the importance of your own system of beliefs.


Kids from good homes turn out good, this is nothing new. Neither is gangs, drugs, sex, etc...


IF THINGS WERE SO GREAT 30 YEARS AGO, WHY DID YOUR GENERATION PRODUCE THE KIDS OF TODAY??? That would lead me to believe that perhaps things weren't so great after all.

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Gun laws will not stop this from happening. Gun laws only keep guns out of the hands of honest citizens. Psychos and criminals will always find a way to obtain a weapon.



Aain you are missing point! Gun laws make it EASIER for kooks not impossible.


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