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Planning to plan to have a plan!!!

Ed Arzouian

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I thought we could all use a few laughs.


Does this sound familiar:


"The first six months of my administration will be putting together that plan, all the people that can accomplish that plan and letting everybody have a say in what that plan should be. Then we have to show the world that we have a purpose, a direction and a goal, and we'll ask them to join us." -Matt Ryan, October 16, 2005 Section: Front Edition: 1 Page: 3A THE BINGHAMTON MAYORAL RACE; Why should we vote for you?


That was Ryan's plan to plan to have a plan!!! I still cannot believe that fools elected a guy who admitted at the time he did not even a plan for what needed to be done.


The statement above should sound familiar because it is exactly what Ryan is now proposing again with his four new committees. So, two and half years later, after his third State of the City Address, we are right back to where he proposed to start.






The article goes on with his classic, "ABC Plan, which he said will form a partnership between the academic and arts community, local businesses and city government. "We're going to help them all that we can to create a vibrant community," he said. "We need to have new blood in this community. And we have to show them what a great community this is."



We got Bloods, alright.


And where are these things:


"He (Ryan) has advocated a "smart on crime" tactic, which includes advanced training for police and fire, putting police on foot and bike patrols, and recruiting police officers from city neighborhoods. Ryan also has announced plans to aid seniors, including assigning city officials to visit senior centers, property tax breaks (!!!!) and working with nonprofits to create affordable senior housing. Downtown is key, Ryan said. A vibrant downtown, he said, will positively affect the neighborhoods. The city still must promote its strengths namely the low cost of housing, which is well below the national median price $66,500 in Binghamton versus $119,600 in the U.S., according to U.S. Census 2000 data.


He closes with:


"The mayor has to sell the city to businesses, too, and Ryan said he has no qualms about his ability to negotiate a deal. "Part of my job is about negotiating to make sure my clients do better things in life," he said. "


Yes, those negotiating skills that gave away The Regency after he could not reach an agreement with Sarbro in the first place, the negotiating skills that saw the owners of the O'Neil building dump it on the city of Binghamton after they demolished only half the building forcing taxpayer to pay for the rest, the negotiating skills he chose not to use with the civil servants, the Teamsters, and the Firefighter since Abdelazim and Silberstein negotiated those. Finally, those negotiation skills that have left the police without a contract for two years and now led to arbitration.


Yup, a skilled negotiator he is!!!


What a lying hypocrite! How do you people swallow this stuff? Are you braindead?



thanks for the laugh. Every time you post you make me laugh. I laugh at you ed, not with you. You are a freak! A whackjob! an obsessed sick individual.


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