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War on terror is a fraud

Guest South Mouth

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It is hard to believe, almost as hard as believing there is no god. That may be why these two issues are documented in the movie Zeitgeist: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


There are three parts, the first is about the Son of God, the second is about 911 with some interesting information about Tower 7. I never knew there was a third building that collapsed on that sad day, why? What is even more bizarre is that there is no explanation for that building's destruction to this day. The fourth part is about the banking system and how the stock market crashes were fabricated. Some great clips of the movie, "Network".

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Guest Shaking Heads
It is hard to believe, almost as hard as believing there is no god. That may be why these two issues are documented in the movie Zeitgeist: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


There are three parts, the first is about the Son of God, the second is about 911 with some interesting information about Tower 7. I never knew there was a third building that collapsed on that sad day, why? What is even more bizarre is that there is no explanation for that building's destruction to this day. The fourth part is about the banking system and how the stock market crashes were fabricated. Some great clips of the movie, "Network".


Even more interesting is what was in Tower 7.

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The terrorist acts of 9/11 were carefully planned and carried out by bin Laden and his raghead extremist followers. What has come out since 9/11 is that we had intelligence of these intentions, and did nothing with it.

Was it allowed to happen, for now obvious reasons, I think is the question. The American people deserve an answer, no matter how long it takes.

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It is hard to believe, almost as hard as believing there is no god. That may be why these two issues are documented in the movie Zeitgeist: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


There are three parts, the first is about the Son of God, the second is about 911 with some interesting information about Tower 7. I never knew there was a third building that collapsed on that sad day, why? What is even more bizarre is that there is no explanation for that building's destruction to this day. The fourth part is about the banking system and how the stock market crashes were fabricated. Some great clips of the movie, "Network".



OMFG... that was a great film!

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Guest Guest
It is hard to believe, almost as hard as believing there is no god. That may be why these two issues are documented in the movie Zeitgeist: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


There are three parts, the first is about the Son of God, the second is about 911 with some interesting information about Tower 7. I never knew there was a third building that collapsed on that sad day, why? What is even more bizarre is that there is no explanation for that building's destruction to this day. The fourth part is about the banking system and how the stock market crashes were fabricated. Some great clips of the movie, "Network".



I remember hearing about tower 7 collapsing, and I was in 8th grade when it happened. When the two main towers were hit, people evacuated nearby buildings as well. I'm sure no one was in tower 7, no one died due to its collapse, and it therefore did not recieve much attention at all since the other towers killed many people by being hit and collapsing.


I searched it on wikipedia and there is a description about how tower 7 was damaged when one of the towers was hit, and why it took 7 hours to collapse.


Well, there's an "explanation for that building's destruction" for you. ;)

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Guest South Mouth
So you are saying that Bush thinks the gov should control all the mans of production and is socialist. That is what a facist is. If you do not know the definition of a word don't use it dumb ass!


Isn't fascism when big business and government work together without the consent of the people. When corporations gain too much control through deregulation and cooperation of the government. Kind of like immunity for the telecommunication companies that knowingly break the law. When I break the law I am punished. The law is the law.

If I tell the judge that I didn't know it was against the law I am told the same line used in courts accross the country, "ignorance of the law is no excuse". Why then would we let these guys slide. They know the law better than anyone.

I am not buying the fear tactic being fed to me. This is still the USA, Law and Order.

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It has been long known what these guys wanted, anybody that doesn't know is a fool. Check out the signers of the document. There is no question.


June 3, 1997


American foreign and defense policy is adrift. Conservatives have criticized the incoherent policies of the Clinton Administration. They have also resisted isolationist impulses from within their own ranks. But conservatives have not confidently advanced a strategic vision of America's role in the world. They have not set forth guiding principles for American foreign policy. They have allowed differences over tactics to obscure potential agreement on strategic objectives. And they have not fought for a defense budget that would maintain American security and advance American interests in the new century.


We aim to change this. We aim to make the case and rally support for American global leadership....




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Guest Harpo

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor..."


"And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."


-- from "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century," September, 2000.


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Post 11, don't ya just love it, turns out you don't know what a fascist is. Look up fascist, communist, socialist, idiot.


wasn't Hitler a fascist? I think he was. Please tell me if I'm wrong.

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wasn't Hitler a fascist? I think he was. Please tell me if I'm wrong.



a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,

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What's even more bizarre is that people respond to their own posts to make it look as if other people support what they say. Its kind of like talking to yourself.




Hey buddy, The Emperor is wearing no clothes

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Isn't fascism when big business and government work together without the consent of the people. When corporations gain too much control through deregulation and cooperation of the government. Kind of like immunity for the telecommunication companies that knowingly break the law. When I break the law I am punished. The law is the law.

If I tell the judge that I didn't know it was against the law I am told the same line used in courts accross the country, "ignorance of the law is no excuse". Why then would we let these guys slide. They know the law better than anyone.

I am not buying the fear tactic being fed to me. This is still the USA, Law and Order.


I think you are confusing Fascism with Corporatism. Fascism doesn't always have to be violent like it was under Adolf Hitler. Fascism is basically a form of government where the good of society is more highly valued than the good of the individual. This goes against basic human nature where individuals look out for their own self interest, hopefully guided by a moral sense of right and wrong. For Fascism to actually be practiced, it helps if there is strict, centralized government control of as much of your life as it can get. Sort of 'Big Brother knows what's good for you better than you do.'


Wikipedia has Corporatism in the beginning of its article on Fascism:




Corporatism is where authority is given to "civic assemblies that represent economic, industrial, agrarian, social, cultural, and professional groups. These civic assemblies are known as corporations." The Wikipedia article says this is different from the business model known as a "Corporation."


Yesterday, I just bought $1200 worth of a coal mining stock called Walter Industries, ticker symbol WLT. Does that make me a "Corporatist?" I don't think so. I think the Corporatism I entered into was voluntary. The 'Fascism Corporatism' isn't.


I think this notion of "Corporations gaining control of Government" as fascism, is a little mis-leading. Most of the time, Corporations lobby (or try to gain control) Government as a self-defense mechanism. For example, Big Government tells a drug company that their profits are "excessive." (Maybe they are, maybe they're not, what are you gonna do?). Government tells the drug company they'll sell this drug for only this much, "for the common good." Of course the drug company lobbies the people in government to ease these restrictions. Is that corporate control of government or is that just self-defense?


The telecommunication example may be the same way. After 911, Homeland Security says they need access to phone lines to monitor foreign phone calls. What's the telecommunication company supposed to do? If they say "Show me a warrant" politicians like Charles Schumer will say the telecommunication companies are putting their own self interest before that of the country. If they do cooperate, Charles Schumer says they should be sued for violating your privacy. They're in a catch 22. The companies have no choice except to try to cooperate, but to lobby for legal protection.



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Since the end of the 1800s corporations have had undue influence over the US government. They have used that influence to eliminate free trade in the country and diminish the benefits of capitalism.


An example of their methods is the control of information. People need all of the information about a product to make informed decisions in the marketplace. Corporations do all they can to keep all they can secret and distort the public information.


Exactly as Bush has done.

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