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We will all be voting for John McCain.

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Now answer my questions. How many times has dialogue with these maniacs worked? How many times do we use dialogue before we realize dialogue doesn\'t work?


How many times have we tried? -Quote




Take a lesson from Israel- How many peace agreements have they made with terrorists?


Do they continue to have peace talks? Yes

Do they continue to be attacked by terrorists almost daily? No


Make sure you answer the questions before you go off on your silly rants.


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George W Bush is the greatest President in the history of the United States. He is a Christian patriot who had the balls to stand up against the terrorists.


All liberals must be eliminated from our country, or else we are doomed.





I want some of what you're smoking. Maybe it will make me forget how bad things are now compared to seven years ago.



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Right on with the last comment! I wanna know what that person is on for saying bush is the best. You ain't right upstairs to say that. I have ALOT better off 7 years ago and where i am today, i know i am the majority thinking this.

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elections years are always a mix up in the economy and tend to point in a downward trend. Because of the war in Irag, it is intensified 100% ..


Obama has many good points about him and can outtalk miss hillery any day of the week .. the man is inteligent, though many of you think he isnt because of his skin color..


McCain on the other hand is a Rep (i am down and out and wont vote off my party) but lets see who the running mate is going to be, face it .. hes rather old, not liked and we might just have a vice president taking over eventually during his tenor..


No way Clinton will win, Obama is being smeared by her .... nothing against a woman in the whitehouse, just not hillery, nothing against a man of color in whitehouse, ... he is being wipped out by the campaign crap ..


Still and all dont vote off your ticket .. you go with an independant, pretty much throwing your vote away .. Keep republicans in the whitehouse and one that gets along with the dems.. just hope he can make it through the years

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I don't vote as if I'm picking horses at the track. I vote for the person that best represents my values and beliefs. The only way I waste my vote is if I pick someone because I'm told he or she can win.

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Quote- Do they continue to be attacked by terrorists almost daily? No -Quote


You are obviously ill informed, and your role here will never go beyond ignorant troll to intelligent poster.

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Obama has many good points about him and can outtalk miss hillery any day of the week .. the man is inteligent, though many of you think he isnt because of his skin color..


I don't have a problem with his color. He doesn't play the color card like Sharpton and Jackson, and he disavowed his preacher's recent racist statements. Even if he did take a few days to get the word from his "handlers" that that's what he needed to do to contain the damage.


Obama is a very, very good speaker. I will give him that.


I've listened to him enough now to get the distinct impression that he's really just an empty suit with a pleasant baritone. He's that soothing voice of Daddy we all wanted to hear as kids when we were hurting. He's telling us he'll take care of us, and it'll all be allright if we just listen to him.


You'll notice he rarely talks in any specific terms when he's speaking. It's all sweeping generalities. Always.


He talks a lot in ways to get us to feel like he understands Mr. and Mrs. Middle America. It's sorta like B. Clinton's "I feel your pain" but not in a condescending way.


GWB won two terms solely on the down-home Texas, common man charm. Turns out he's no more Mr. Joe Sixpack than the King of Bahrain. He's the King of the Empty Suits.


I don't get why we'd elect another one, after the one we've had for two terms has taken an enormous dump on Middle Class America. His disapproval rating is above 70% now.

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I don't have a problem with his color. He doesn't play the color card like Sharpton and Jackson, and he disavowed his preacher's recent racist statements. Even if he did take a few days to get the word from his "handlers" that that's what he needed to do to contain the damage.


Obama is a very, very good speaker. I will give him that.


I've listened to him enough now to get the distinct impression that he's really just an empty suit with a pleasant baritone. He's that soothing voice of Daddy we all wanted to hear as kids when we were hurting. He's telling us he'll take care of us, and it'll all be allright if we just listen to him.


You'll notice he rarely talks in any specific terms when he's speaking. It's all sweeping generalities. Always.


He talks a lot in ways to get us to feel like he understands Mr. and Mrs. Middle America. It's sorta like B. Clinton's "I feel your pain" but not in a condescending way.


GWB won two terms solely on the down-home Texas, common man charm. Turns out he's no more Mr. Joe Sixpack than the King of Bahrain. He's the King of the Empty Suits.


I don't get why we'd elect another one, after the one we've had for two terms has taken an enormous dump on Middle Class America. His disapproval rating is above 70% now.




He was elected twice. What makes you think this country is intelligent enough to not continue the trend?




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I hate Democrats,bad,if Satan was the Republican candidate I would vote for Satan over a Democrat,see you in Hell Guest.


Based upon the "cool" gifs on your sig, I doubt you know what an old fashioned democrat really is. And I would have to say that if Abe Lincoln were alive today he would say the repug party is NOT the party of Lincoln!!!!




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When was the last attack, genius?
The last attack was yesterday genius!! They attacked a wedding party of their own people!! You are ignorant, ill-informed, and when Obama tells you to drink the cyanide laced kool aid, you will!!!! :wacko:
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Obama is nothing but a field hand; and, in the field he shall remain. I would never invite that moron up to my house for social intercourse and mint juleps. To think that that colored boy is fit to be the leader of the free world, you and your entire family would have to be down to ya'll's last brain cell. Obama is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!



I believe Obama has accomplished much more in life than you ever be able to think about accomplishing. While you're eating potato chips and slugging down beers in your trailer, he's out changing the world for the better. This isn't 1850 anymore..

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The last attack was yesterday genius!! They attacked a wedding party of their own people!! You are ignorant, ill-informed, and when Obama tells you to drink the cyanide laced kool aid, you will!!!! :wacko:




We were talking about Israel, remember Einstein?




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So what specific McCain programs do you like?


Long term US presence in Iraq


Attacking Iran


Privatization of Social Security


You are on your own for medical insurance


Tax breaks for the rich


Increased military spending

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