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what If ?

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What would happen If everyone In the world was rich? Everyone? No one was poor we all had brand new homes, new cars etc! Would the world be better then it is today? whats your thoughts?What would the world be like? Yes, I know no one would work, but I think people would fight too work just for something to do!

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Not everyone would stay wealthy for long. I think a vast majority of people would find a way to separate themselves from their riches.


There's a long list of bigtime Lottery Winners who prove the theory that "you can't outperform your self image".


Most people can't visualize themselves with lasting wealth, so they would find ways to lose it, like many Lottery winners.

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I think there would be the same problems, but maybe with a heightened magnitude. You'd still have drugs and crime, but people would be able to afford better guns and more drugs. There would still be interpersonal disputes. Then there would still be the people who would invest it, spend the money wisely, people who would enjoy vacations, and family events. I think there would still be the same spectrum of content living, and those who are very angry and unhappy.

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