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Hillary Clinton is winning!

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minute econominc growth - and the attacks came as over 4000 ameican dead soldiers and over 30,000 wounded


not to mention that 911 happened under his watch to begin with



Huh? English, please.


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As a 52 year old white man with a job, as far as Hillary and her cult is concerned, my function in life is to pay as much taxes as possible until I die so that the less fortunate, can have a better life. Thus, I have never considered for a second, even though I am a registered Democrat, voting for her. If it comes down to McCain or Obama, I am going for the Sailor, because I too served in the Navy and know the difference between serving in the Military and “serving” as an activist.

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As a 52 year old white man with a job, as far as Hillary and her cult is concerned, my function in life is to pay as much taxes as possible until I die so that the less fortunate, can have a better life. Thus, I have never considered for a second, even though I am a registered Democrat, voting for her. If it comes down to McCain or Obama, I am going for the Sailor, because I too served in the Navy and know the difference between serving in the Military and “serving” as an activist.


I will have to vote for McCain but I don't want to.



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After Obama wraps up the nomination, Hillary has no reason to continue her charade of "public service" to her "home state" of New York. She will resign by April Fool's Day (on that day would be appropriate for her and her co-scamster), sell the Chappaqua mail drop, and serve divorce papers on him. Her career can then proceed in her true competency zone: Lobbying, litigating, consulting, writing, and speechifying.


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Bush did not drop the ball on binladen, my BDS-addled lefty lemming. And Bush did not "allow" 911 to happen. And Bush did not invade the wrong country. Well, I guess three strikes and you're out! Any more Olberdunce talking points you'd care to spew???????



I say he dropped the ball on binladen and you say he did not. What exactly did he do to catch him before 911? 911 happened on his watch did it not? I say he invaded the wrong country by invading iraq - why would iraq be the "right" country to invade?

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Wait, you don't want to go there do you?


Here is a Clinton sampling:


1) First World Trade Center Attack (1993)

2) Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (1998)

3) The attack at CIA HQ by Mir Aimal Kansi (1993)

4) The failed NYC Landmark Bomb Plot (1993)

5) American Consulate workers killed and another wounded in Karachi (1995)

6) Khobar Towers Bombing with 19 dead and many more wounded (1996)

7) USS Cole

8) Clinton Terror Pardons (http://bcvoice.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=402)


Are you kidding? Do you think that he had enough warnings? Get a clue.


I am sure that there are more but I only had about 30 seconds to look it up on the internet.


I am not saying that Bush was the best President we have ever had but don't you dare try to make a case that Clinton was better on the War on Terror.




Are you really saying that because clinton dropped the ball on things that we should not also say bush did?


Although your list is slightly worng in a few places. He caught the bombers of the first trade center attack - tried them and convicted them. and your #4, - they actually caught the guys, tried and convicted them.


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As a 52 year old white man with a job, as far as Hillary and her cult is concerned, my function in life is to pay as much taxes as possible until I die so that the less fortunate, can have a better life. Thus, I have never considered for a second, even though I am a registered Democrat, voting for her. If it comes down to McCain or Obama, I am going for the Sailor, because I too served in the Navy and know the difference between serving in the Military and “serving” as an activist.





most people disagree with you

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I say he dropped the ball on binladen and you say he did not. What exactly did he do to catch him before 911? 911 happened on his watch did it not? I say he invaded the wrong country by invading iraq - why would iraq be the "right" country to invade?


What exactly did Clinton do to catch bin laden? You must wake up in sweats each morning praying that Bin Laden hasn't been caught yet. Personally, I am convinced that he is already room temperature and has been for years. Did 911 happen on Bush's watch? Can't deny the fact that Bush was president for a whopping 8 months. I guess it doesn't matter to you that all of the planning and preparations took place on Clinton's watch. I still don't understand why this even matters. Don't you guys believe that 911 was an "inside job"? Didn't Dick Cheney make arrangements to implode the WTC? Come on, admit it. You believe this.

Anyway, if you don't think Iraq was the "right" country to invade, read UN Resolution 1441 or Bill Clinton's call for regime change in Iraq. Or better yet, read Hillary's Senate floor speech supporting Congress' war authorization act. (sorry, I don't have those links on this computer, exercise some self-reliance.)


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Bush did not drop the ball on binladen, my BDS-addled lefty lemming. And Bush did not "allow" 911 to happen. And Bush did not invade the wrong country. Well, I guess three strikes and you're out! Any more Olberdunce talking points you'd care to spew???????


Why is it that everyone supported this war and whatever it took back in 2002, but now that the 911 attacks are not fresh in your mind, it's Bush's and the republicans war? Who ever becomes president will adopt this war, and there isn't a chance in hell that they will bring the troops home and risk another attack on the US!


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