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I am trying, this is a lot harder to administer than the other board. I am still trying to figure out moderators.


Is there a class we can sign up for? I was still working on that quote function thing on the old site. After 2 years, I was about to move on to editing. Now I'm back at square one....still can't get my printer to work. It cost me an arm and a leg, $29.95 plus tax!!!

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This is set up a lot like Hunter's newer board. Once you figure it out you'll be okay. ;)



Yeah geez, thanks for sharing that "ancient" picture of yours with us, Hunter. We can never get enough of it!!! Actually, hope all is well with you my friend... hope you're on the "mends". The dry cleaner called...your hood will be ready on Thursday! Ya want me to pick it up?


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Guest curious
Looks interesting!! Didn't take much to figure it out though, even for a computer illiterate person like me :blink:






are you really a celtic witch?


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