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Wisconsin Senate to vote on anti-union bill


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Can you please, for once try to get beyond name calling ad contribute something meaningful to the conversation?


You made my point exactly. The left can't get their way so they resort to name calling and shouting louder.

It worked for the right, didn't it?

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I find it interesting that Obama had that "I won, you lost" attitude when the Dems controlled both houses and rammed healthcare down everyone's throats. Even now, with 70% of Americans against it, he insists that his way is the right way because after all, the people spoke when they elected him. When the people of Wisconsin spoke and elected a Governor who is doing what he promised he would do, and what he campaigned on, Obama doesn't take the same attitude. Then he lectures Middle East countries about heeding the will of their people, as he disregards the will of his own. And what happened to the need for civility in our conversations and debates? I guess that only applies to right wing. The left have been portraying the Wisconsin Governor as Hitler, and prefer to mob approach when the going gets tough. Not much civility there. This is hypocrisy on parade.


Imagine if all the republicans from the US House and Senate when into hiding prior to the Obamacare vote. This is sore loser syndrome, plain and simple.

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Imagine if all the republicans from the US House and Senate when into hiding prior to the Obamacare vote. This is sore loser syndrome, plain and simple.



Instead the republicans made up things like death panels, kill grandma and forced abortions.

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Instead the republicans made up things like death panels, kill grandma and forced abortions.


Maybe if the government didn't get involved at all in end of life planning/counseling or allow for funding of state health plan exchanges that would perform abortions, you know.. facts that actually add credence to those accusations.. maybe no one would have believed them. Democrats in Wisconsin could have defended their positions as well, but they instead chose to run away.

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Let's see, for the last two years did minority republicans hold up the Senate by using filibusters? Did they think that if the shoe were on the other foot the country would never get anything done.


They probably did, but it was more important to hurt Obama than to run the country. They are going to do that again with the current budget impasse.

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I find it interesting that Obama had that "I won, you lost" attitude when the Dems controlled both houses and rammed healthcare down everyone's throats. Even now, with 70% of Americans against it, he insists that his way is the right way because after all, the people spoke when they elected him. When the people of Wisconsin spoke and elected a Governor who is doing what he promised he would do, and what he campaigned on, Obama doesn't take the same attitude. Then he lectures Middle East countries about heeding the will of their people, as he disregards the will of his own. And what happened to the need for civility in our conversations and debates? I guess that only applies to right wing. The left have been portraying the Wisconsin Governor as Hitler, and prefer to mob approach when the going gets tough. Not much civility there. This is hypocrisy on parade.



Source of 70%?

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Why would people from Broome County be arguing for actions which will drag down wages for working people.


What is the world view which says American workers should be leveraged to work for the least amount possible.


The Republicans are out to destroy unions. The Tea Party is anti-union.


I understand Republicans, they represent the upper class, but why does the grass roots oppose unions?

Because the grassroots is tired of being taxed to pay for union bennies,GET IT?

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the grassroots being funded and led by the millionaire and billionaire club is trying to destroy the rights of working class Americans all over this country. they are blindly rooting for their own desruction

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....According to this NY Times article, Wisconsin is assuming a guaranteed rate of return of 7.8% (along with toying with derivatives! but that's another issue). This means if it only makes 5%, the taxpayer could be on the hook for the rest (if it takes a loss.... ouch). Wouldn't you like a guaranteed rate of return of almost 8% on your investments?...


Isn't that the way it works in NY state also? If the state pension fund looses money, the taxpayers are on the hook to make it up. You are right, a 401K would be a possible solution, but it will never happen.

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It is apparent that the only way for the Unions to react when they lose a FAIR election where ACORN was not involved the only way for them to deal with it

is to cry and whine and protest. Here in NY they have the Dems in their pocket, and always will. The sole purpose of the Union is to maintain a membership level to pay dues to further their political agenda, which in turn requires higher, and higher taxes. Look at the states with the worst economies, Cal, Mich., NY, Mass, NJ, Ill, all run by left wing and Unions who care nothing for the taxpayer, only themselves. In the last 3 years every corporation, small biz, charity, non-profit, pretty much every employer with the exception of Public Employees have seen their livlihood change drastically, and guess what, the majority of the tax paying public is not a member of a public Union, and they are sick and tired of the Unions crying, and not making any concessions, instead being arrogant and demanding their raises and bennys at the expense of already tapped out taxpayers.

Guess what, there was an election in Wisconsin, the voters elected the Governor and the Senate, and The Legislature in Wisconsin, so get over it and let Democracy work, and guess what there will always be another election.

But the Libs want to cry and say "I'm taking my ball and I am going home, cuz I cant get my way" Real Mature!!!

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More info coming out the Governor cut taxes to corporations right after he took office. The public employee union wage are less then the privet sector same jobs.

Once again you can say anything. Truth has become an after thought.

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the grassroots being funded and led by the millionaire and billionaire club is trying to destroy the rights of working class Americans all over this country. they are blindly rooting for their own desruction

WORKING CLASS :lol::lol:


TRY POLITICAL SPECIAL INTEREST!!!!! You libtards speak about unions like they represent the majority of America.,353514f0&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=f6KMwK9Ilmfl7Vj9YDXFcg--


For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Friday, January 21, 2011 USDL-11-0063 Technical information: (202) 691-6378 • cpsinfo@bls.gov • www.bls.gov/cps Media contact: (202) 691-5902 • PressOffice@bls. gov UNION MEMBERS — 2010 In 2010, the union membership rate —the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union—was 11.9 percent, down from 12.3 percent a year earlier, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions declined by 612,000 to 14.7 million. In 1983, the first year for which comparable union data are available, the union membership rate was 20.1 percent, and there were 17.7 million union workers.


SO IN OTHER WORDS 88.1% of us live in reality. you PUKE!!!

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More info coming out the Governor cut taxes to corporations right after he took office. The public employee union wage are less then the privet sector same jobs.

Once again you can say anything. Truth has become an after thought.

Let me be clear, you're a liar.

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Finally, some collective bargaining for the people who have footing the bill. The Tax Payers.




heritage foundation. lol protecting the wealthy since it's inception.

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Let me be clear, you're a liar.


Check it out very easy. Wisconsin is all over the net. Was on FOXS and MSNBC this am. No reason to liar. Shame on you woodchuck.

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heritage foundation. lol protecting the wealthy since it's inception.


Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."

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The government has been fighting unions since the Pullman strikes to Taft-Hartley, Ronald Reagan and now this.


Unions were never the majority and nobody is claiming they are now.


They have been the voice of the working man, who do you think will speak for you once you are gone? The efforts of unions have improved the efforts of all workers.


Of course not everybody paid for it or did the work, but you received the benefits.


The government isn't going to help you because the Republican budget proposals indicate that they see this as an opportunity to defund or eliminate regulatory agencies.


So this is freedom, you the individual negotiating for yourself against the company. It depends on the industry whether you will compete against a limited number of workers or compete worldwide.


The goal of the union is to improve your working conditions. The goal of the company is to reduce the cost of labor. You want to eliminate the unions.


Good luck with that.

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The government has been fighting unions since the Pullman strikes to Taft-Hartley, Ronald Reagan and now this.


Unions were never the majority and nobody is claiming they are now.


They have been the voice of the working man, who do you think will speak for you once you are gone? The efforts of unions have improved the efforts of all workers.


Of course not everybody paid for it or did the work, but you received the benefits.


The government isn't going to help you because the Republican budget proposals indicate that they see this as an opportunity to defund or eliminate regulatory agencies.


So this is freedom, you the individual negotiating for yourself against the company. It depends on the industry whether you will compete against a limited number of workers or compete worldwide.


The goal of the union is to improve your working conditions. The goal of the company is to reduce the cost of labor. You want to eliminate the unions.


Good luck with that.

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MADISON, Wis. -- Teachers' unions and representatives of every liberal interest group in the country may have taken over the streets of Madison for demonstrations, marches and speeches, but inside the Wisconsin governor’s mansion its chief tenant remains calm and resolute. The Badger State’s budget will be balanced, Gov. Scott Walker ® assured The Heritage Foundation in an one-on-one interview. The stakes in Wisconsin are high not just here, but across America.


"I've said all along the protesters have every right to be there, but I'm not going to let tens of thousands overload or overshadow the millions of people in Wisconsin, the taxpayers of the state, who want us to do the right thing and balance the budget," Gov. Walker told us. (Click here to watch the interview.)


Fourteen state Senate Democrats fled to Illinois last week, preventing a quorum and blocking passage of Walker's budget repair bill. But that doesn’t dissuade Gov. Walker. He told Heritage he would prefer to see the stalemate last indefinitely rather than compromise on his principles.


For the strength to stand so firmly, Gov. Walker said he draws on his past experience as Milwaukee County executive—a fiscal conservative leading a county that voted overwhelmingly for President Obama in 2008 by a margin of 67% to 32%.


The political role model Gov. Walker looks up to is also important, as it is none other than President Ronald Reagan. Of Reagan, Gov. Walker said, "He knew who he was, he knew where he was going and he did what he had to do to get there."


Reagan was no stranger to bold and difficult decisions, and Gov. Walker said he was prepared to follow in the former president's footsteps for as long as he served in office.


In 1981, about six months after taking office, Reagan defined the tenor of his administration with his own bold decision to fire more than 11,000 air traffic controllers who ignored the president’s orders to return to work. Reagan emerged victorious, his presidency emboldened by the conflict.


The stakes were high for Reagan then—he risked an enormous public backlash by disrupting commercial air travel—and they're high for Gov. Walker now. In many ways, Wisconsin will be the prototype for other deficit-laden states whose leaders attempt to balance their budgets.


Gov. Walker is aware of just what Wisconsin—and the rest of the country—stands to gain or lose with the ultimate outcome of this debate. That's precisely why he insists the outcome be a balanced budget. For that, he'll endure personal insults, the comparisons to deposed Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. He'll face days of chanting outside his window and threats to his safety.


In fact, Gov. Walker is not merely enduring—he's "feeling good," he said. He's even found something in common with the protesters: They share the same taste in music. The songs blaring over the loudspeaker take him back to his college and high school days.


The music's not the only aspect of the protests Gov. Walker appreciates. He's also grateful they've remained peaceful—even this weekend, when his supporters turned up to counter the protesters. Maybe that's why Gov. Walker seems so grounded even in the midst of the churning: He's appreciative of, rather than worried about, what the protests signify—that the people of Madison, those on both sides of the issue, care enough to come to the Capitol to debate.


But that’s where he draws the line, promising to remain committed to his principles in the face of adversity. "We have to be clear and realistic about our challenges," he said, "but optimistic about our solutions."

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Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."

lol - not at all woodchuck puppet I won't let them lead me down the path to destroy the middle class

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