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Biggest local ASSHOLE business owners


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Frank LoPiccolo of Franks restaurant in Maine is horrible.  He runs his mouth about everybody!  When his daughter opened her bakery, he said if she's not a success it's because people are here are too cheap to appreciate real desserts.  I'd like to know who Frank paid off to get his liquor license.  With his felony drug charges I didn't think it was possible for him to get a liquor license.  

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Yeah, Frank... that's a good one.  He has a reputation for being an asshole to employees and getting in arguments with customers.  He also tried to steal the restaurant space at the airport for pennies on the dollar, through a scam worked out by his son (who works at the airport). He didn't even want to do food there, he wanted the space to bottle his tomato sauce.  

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The miserable lady, painted in makeup, who owns Northgate Wine & Liquor.   She needs to realize there's liquor stores all over, including next to Wegmans, with better prices and a better selection.  When she's rude and shouts across the store it's very off-putting. 

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Marijo Gallagher from Marilu's Catering is a horrible person and her food sucks. If you have a genuine question of concern about her work, she will personally attack you and guests at your event.  She is the most unprofessional service provider I've come across in this area. 

"I don't think this meat is cooked."  

"Oh really?  Because your heavyweight sister has eaten plenty!"

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I have had several positive experiences with her and her food.  In my experience, she has always been on time.  Food was great and has been flexible.  

unfortunately, you have had the same experience.  I will not hesitate to use here again 

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