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Newtown, Ct., NRA Now Has a Real Problem

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You can attribute that strangely to Rahm Emmanuel.


At least the NRA had the respect to wait a week before commenting. Unlike the cowardly dumbocrats.


Dumbocrats! The third grader is back.............


Why don't you go outside and play in the snow, kid.

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Did anyone do the math?


Can the NRA be talking about dedicated armed security officers in all 33,000 elementary and secondary schools.


At 50K a year that's over a trillion and a half a year.


Of course you want the teachers to carry weapons. I am not sure how many schools have two or three people with the right mindset to be armed, in the proper place and of the mindset to respond quickly enough to deter a determined intruder.


The right mindset? They can't/don't want to protect the kids then they shouldn't be teaching.

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So does the armed officer in every school deter the bomb maker or malevolent driver.


Does the armed officer cover the entrance or the playground or phys ed classes.


What part of the bus line does he police.


A national mental health data base from the folks who oppose firearms data bases?


It's true that a ban on firearms in the United States would be as effective as Prohibition.


And it is true that greater regulation of firearms is only one part of the solution, but why can't it be part.


A commonsense limit to semiautomatic handguns and riles and limits to magazines along with national registration of all gun sales would be a start.


We already have thousands of gun laws. That is in addition to the ones against homicide. Tell me again how another law is going to stop a criminal or madman?

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We already have thousands of gun laws. That is in addition to the ones against homicide. Tell me again how another law is going to stop a criminal or madman?


A law banning future sales of all semi automatic weapons with high load clips wont' keep any of these out of the hands of kids and disturbed young men....ever?


Had the ban still been in place since 2004, I wonder if Nancy Lanza would have owned one? I'm sure that would have made a difference to at least a few of the families in Newtown. Would James Holmes been able to buy a few?

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A law banning future sales of all semi automatic weapons with high load clips wont' keep any of these out of the hands of kids and disturbed young men....ever?


Had the ban still been in place since 2004, I wonder if Nancy Lanza would have owned one? I'm sure that would have made a difference to at least a few of the families in Newtown. Would James Holmes been able to buy a few?


Why do you fools insist on posting without doing any research? The federal had zero effect on crime, nor was there any change when it expired. Connecticut has serious gun laws. Look them up. Why wonder if she would ever own one? Obviously she WOULD have. She was trying to get her son committed. Too bad the democrat controlled legislature of her state, 6 months ago, voted against a law that would have made it easier.

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A law banning future sales of all semi automatic weapons with high load clips wont' keep any of these out of the hands of kids and disturbed young men....ever?


Had the ban still been in place since 2004, I wonder if Nancy Lanza would have owned one? I'm sure that would have made a difference to at least a few of the families in Newtown. Would James Holmes been able to buy a few?


Maybe after 100 years

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Why do you fools insist on posting without doing any research? The federal had zero effect on crime, nor was there any change when it expired. Connecticut has serious gun laws. Look them up. Why wonder if she would ever own one? Obviously she WOULD have. She was trying to get her son committed. Too bad the democrat controlled legislature of her state, 6 months ago, voted against a law that would have made it easier.


No one is talking about the assault weapon ban having an effect on total crime numbers. Do you honestly believe the number of mass shootings with these guns hasn't increased in the last 10 years?

You know for a fact that Nancy Lanza, law abiding gun owner, would have purchased an illegal assault gun? Wow, you need to work on Wall St.

How does trying to get her son committed figure into Adam's choice of her Mom's guns?

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The people who study these shooting have stated that there has been no increase in these events over the last 50 or 60 years.

She probably would still have purchased a legal semi automatic rifle that was capable of the same damage. You obviously know as little about firearms as you do of the applicable laws, "assault weapons", and the Constitution. At least you are consistent.

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The people who study these shooting have stated that there has been no increase in these events over the last 50 or 60 years.






Why do you continue to make things up? You are not doing your side any favors.

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Why do you continue to make things up? You are not doing your side any favors.


Why don't you just admit that you came to the discussion without any knowledge of the subject? You will never become a productive adult until you accept your shortcomings and try to improve yourself.

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Why don't you just admit that you came to the discussion without any knowledge of the subject? You will never become a productive adult until you accept your shortcomings and try to improve yourself.


Nice diversion.


Now why don't you provide a link showing us what you stated. Just because you believe something to be true doesn't mean it is.

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Nice diversion.


Now why don't you provide a link showing us what you stated. Just because you believe something to be true doesn't mean it is.


Stupid must be your color. You wear it so flamboyantly.

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So, once again you have nothing but lies. And you people wonder why you keep losing elections. lol


Lies are apparently anything that doesn't support your position. Awesome

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Every time someone shows you the facts, you ignore them. Ignorance and arrogance are a bad combination.


Hasn't happened yet. I bet you are excited waiting for Santa, little one.

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