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Is it possible she's THAT dumb?

Guest Todd

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What word would you use?


Reagan's son made a point on TV last night. If you're in a debate or making a speech and you need to cite some statistics or very detailed numbers of some sort, you'd write them down on a notecard.


She had words like "energy" on her hand. Basic, mainstream ideas and isssues. What politician is in jeopardy of forgetting that something like energy policy is a major concern for every American? Other than her, I mean?

I thought buffoon or imbecile would be more appropriate.


But maybe she was thinking of all those clothes she was going to buy with the 100K and needed something to keep her focused on where she actually was.


Imagine if she answered a question with "Does it come in Red in my size?"



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What word would you use?


Reagan's son made a point on TV last night. If you're in a debate or making a speech and you need to cite some statistics or very detailed numbers of some sort, you'd write them down on a notecard.


She had words like "energy" on her hand. Basic, mainstream ideas and isssues. What politician is in jeopardy of forgetting that something like energy policy is a major concern for every American? Other than her, I mean?


That is an excellent point. You do use notecards for stats or obscure details and not for general themes. While this is obvious to almost everybody else, you will NEVER convince a Palin supporter on this point though.


All Palin knows are some buzzwords and talking points... It is obvious she doesn't understand what she is talking about. Then again, she is a person who literally believes the Earth was formed 6000 years ago and The Rapture.

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That is an excellent point. You do use notecards for stats or obscure details and not for general themes. While this is obvious to almost everybody else, you will NEVER convince a Palin supporter on this point though.


All Palin knows are some buzzwords and talking points... It is obvious she doesn't understand what she is talking about.


It's obvious to everyone but most fourth graders....and her.


I used to speak publicly. I used little 4x6 notecards. On them I wrote a very simple, basic synopsis of the major points I wanted to cover. Then I spoke extemporaneously on each. I wanted to make sure I covered all the bases.


I didn't use a sharpie and my hand.


It was unobtrusive and inconspicuous. I looked at my audience as I spoke. When I finished one topic, I simply glanced down if I needed a reminder of my next topic. I didn't pick up my hand and glare into it.


Of course, the difference between her and I is that I could keep a train of thought AND speak at the same time without losing my place every 15 seconds or trailing off with some mumbley something.........


I find it humorous that her fan club thinks it looks better to look at the palm of your hand at the word Energy during a Q and A session than to use a teleprompter for a 20 minute speech.


Many, many professionals use electronic devices of some sort or notecards when speaking. They don't write on their hands and they don't half bend over to look at their notes.


I can think of about 20 ways I could have pulled off the "look at the words scribbled on my palm" move better than she did, and no one would have noticed me doing so.

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On The View yesterday, Barbara Walters mentioned that among recent remarks by Palin was the suggestion that President Obama invade Iran to improve his image, make him seem tougher. I'm paraphrasing. That was a bit shocking. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and bombings in Pakistan not sufficient? Crikey.


I can't say the logic there encourages allegiance....

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On The View yesterday, Barbara Walters mentioned that among recent remarks by Palin was the suggestion that President Obama invade Iran to improve his image, make him seem tougher. I'm paraphrasing. That was a bit shocking. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and bombings in Pakistan not sufficient? Crikey.


I can't say the logic there encourages allegiance....


You're right. There is no logic there. Invading Iran would be a massive suicide mission. Their army is massive compared to ours, and they can put guns in a million more civilians' hands in a few days.


The only way we could invade is if we eliminated about 3/4 of their total population beforehand. That would take about 6 months Shock and Awe bombing.

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On The View yesterday, Barbara Walters mentioned that among recent remarks by Palin was the suggestion that President Obama invade Iran to improve his image, make him seem tougher. I'm paraphrasing. That was a bit shocking. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and bombings in Pakistan not sufficient? Crikey.


I can't say the logic there encourages allegiance....



Bit shocking? Iran getting a nuke is worse than invading Iran.

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It was determined Palin had written the words "Energy," "Tax Cuts," and "Lift American Spirits" in her palm.


Really??? She was going to remember to talk about tax cuts, so she had to write it with a fine tip Sharpie on her hand?


Lift American Spirits??




She's dumber than dumberer.

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You guys are really desperate. The clown-in-chief can't speak without a teleprompter, even to 6th graders.


You are desperate, and it shows.


he speaks just fine without a teleprompter. I might add that sarah gave her keynote speech with a teleprompter. yet she whines about obama doing it all the time.

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My guess is that you don't do much public speaking. So she had a few highlights she wanted to make sure she hit. Almost everyone uses notes when speaking in front of an audience. It's not like she had the words all printed out for her and scrolling down in front of her.... oh wait, that would be a TELEPROMPTER! SO STFU!!!



You do know that she could have had a note pad. but she chose to write on her freakin hand!

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My guess is that you don't do much public speaking. So she had a few highlights she wanted to make sure she hit. Almost everyone uses notes when speaking in front of an audience. It's not like she had the words all printed out for her and scrolling down in front of her.... oh wait, that would be a TELEPROMPTER! SO STFU!!!


I have done a bit of public speaking. I never told the audience to stfu, however.


I, too, had a short list of highlights I wanted to make sure I covered.


I DIDN'T WRITE THEM ON MY HAND, like a six year old would.

Anyone who's ever done ANY amount of public speaking or presentations to groups would tell you that writing "Lift Americans Spirits" on one's hand is as hillbilly as it gets.


Oh, and Winky has used teleprompters before. See: her speech at the RNC of 2008.

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Are you kidding me? Writing a few words on her HAND as cheat notes?


1: Who is so simple minded that they need to write a few words like "energy" on their hand as a way of remembering what they want to talk about? Shouldn't a politician/speech tour professional be able to remember a few major topics to talk about? If they can't, shouldn't they be home baking brownies, where the instructions are written on the box?


2: Who doesn't know that, on a well-lit TV stage, that your hand is going to sweat, and that the writing will become smudged?


I can't believe that anyone thinks this is Presidential material.


Imagine how impressed leaders of other nations across the world would be at her simple-yet-ingenious approach to having a few notes handy for historic negotiations of global impact.



her post it note on her bathroom mirror should read " republican DELETED floats "

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The more people attack Palin the more popular and stronger she becomes. If she wasn't a threat she would be ignored.


More tenth grade level logic.

Hell, using your logic, Obama will soon become the most beloved man on the planet.


She's not a threat. She's a media darling. They love reporting on her. Why, do you ask? Because she's become a parody of a mildly successful female politician in a tiny state. Every other time she shows up for a speech she plants foot firmly in mouth in some way. Now she's gone beyond mere train wreck misstatments and she's into using props as gags disguised as real attempts to get her message out. All the while being righteously indignant of our continued laughing at her.


It's sad, it's silly, and it's all for our daily amusement. When people get tired of reading about "What foolish thing did Sarah do today", she'll slip out of the limelight and become a mere footnote in the pages of American history.


I also know this for absolute fact: if she looked and talked like Mimi on the old Drew Carey show, you, I and the rest of America would never have heard of her. She would be waiting tables night shift in a truck stop in Juneau.




When the weight of the whole thing comes crashing down, when she can no longer get major media coverage nor invites to speak in front of thousands, she'll decide to cash in after all and sell out to one of the dozens and dozens of reality TV shows that she's tailor made for.

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More tenth grade level logic.

Hell, using your logic, Obama will soon become the most beloved man on the planet.


She's not a threat. She's a media darling. They love reporting on her. Why, do you ask? Because she's become a parody of a mildly successful female politician in a tiny state. Every other time she shows up for a speech she plants foot firmly in mouth in some way. Now she's gone beyond mere train wreck misstatments and she's into using props as gags disguised as real attempts to get her message out. All the while being righteously indignant of our continued laughing at her.


It's sad, it's silly, and it's all for our daily amusement. When people get tired of reading about "What foolish thing did Sarah do today", she'll slip out of the limelight and become a mere footnote in the pages of American history.


I also know this for absolute fact: if she looked and talked like Mimi on the old Drew Carey show, you, I and the rest of America would never have heard of her. She would be waiting tables night shift in a truck stop in Juneau.




When the weight of the whole thing comes crashing down, when she can no longer get major media coverage nor invites to speak in front of thousands, she'll decide to cash in after all and sell out to one of the dozens and dozens of reality TV shows that she's tailor made for.

Dont waste on the squid DELETED bs name using rejectcant from alaska!
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Its you welfare scumbag, liberal wack jobs who support the use of illicit drugs. Not conservatives. Why don't you go overdose and quit using my tax money to buy your beer and cigs? It would be greatly appreciated.

Your tax dollars don,t buy me DELETED.I am a hard working veteran with a well deserved six figure salary.I probrably pay more in taxes than you make.I don,t drink or smoke and have a great job that allows me time off when I need it.

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Uh-Oh. More bad news for King Obumbler. Hey Obamacrons! Its time to start a new Palin-bashing thread.


White House Moves Swiftly To Stem Fallout Of Obama Interview


The White House is moving swiftly to stem the fallout from a potentially damaging interview President Obama gave on Tuesday, in which he was quoted saying that he did not "begrudge" the multibillion-dollar bonuses of Wall Street executives.






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Uh-Oh. More bad news for King Obumbler. Hey Obamacrons! Its time to start a new Palin-bashing thread.


White House Moves Swiftly To Stem Fallout Of Obama Interview


The White House is moving swiftly to stem the fallout from a potentially damaging interview President Obama gave on Tuesday, in which he was quoted saying that he did not "begrudge" the multibillion-dollar bonuses of Wall Street executives.




Start your own thread.

This one is for calling Winky the idiot that she is.


Funny how your only defense of her is to point out other people's mistakes.


Weak. Really weak........like third grade weak.

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