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1979 UE Football or 1985 BHS Football Team?

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I'm going to bump my own post. Anybody out there have John Fox's contact information? I'm going to try to contact him and get his take on this whole thing. Our local paper is a joke now, but they should do a story on these 2 great teams and get interviews from coaches, players, fans, etc... I think that would make for a great story. I'm also thinking of some other sports reporters who would have been around from that time. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Actually, I do not think the topic should stop with the '79 U-E or '85 Binghamton teams. There were a handfull of great football teams mentioned on this thread from the Southern Tier that are also on par with '79 and '85. There were also some great teams in the '70's from both Vestal and Ithaca that also require consideration. Maybe each great team can be identified with each team being singled out for their specific attributes and accolades?

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Actually, I do not think the topic should stop with the '79 U-E or '85 Binghamton teams. There were a handfull of great football teams mentioned on this thread from the Southern Tier that are also on par with '79 and '85. There were also some great teams in the '70's from both Vestal and Ithaca that also require consideration. Maybe each great team can be identified with each team being singled out for their specific attributes and accolades?


Very well said. I agree. It would also be nice to have a "where are they now?" type thing. Maybe showing a high school pic of certain star players and a recent pic along with what they're up to now. Something along those lines. John Fox seems like a guy who would love to do a story like that. A long rich history of High School football in this area and he's been around to see most of it.


I guess my "Googling" skills stink because I can't find John Fox's contact information. He must have an email address. Anybody? Maybe I'll just contact the Binghamton Press (or whatever it's called nowadays).

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You point on 10 Div I players is valid. That surely is impressive, however didn't they wear leather helments with a single bar faceback in 79?



Bull! If we're going to judge greatness on D1 players than the U-E '99 team, which wasn't any good, is right up there on this list. They had 6 D1 players...


Paul Ziska - Lafayette

Dustin Bayer - Rhode Island

Mike Pellett - Central Connecticut

Dave Archer - Cornell

Chris Stokstad - Central Connecticut

Jason Kendrick - Opted not to play D1 football with scholarships offered


Stupid point...

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Actually Koban was a 3 year starter for Syracuse University at safety.

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I guess my "Googling" skills stink because I can't find John Fox's contact information. He must have an email address. Anybody? Maybe I'll just contact the Binghamton Press (or whatever it's called nowadays).


Try to understand this.


He is in the phone book. That item is a public record. It shows ONE John Fox.


Take it from there. If he did not want to be called by anyone, he would be unlisted.


Or try www.whitepages.com if you have no phone book.

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Try to understand this.


He is in the phone book. That item is a public record. It shows ONE John Fox.


Take it from there. If he did not want to be called by anyone, he would be unlisted.


Or try www.whitepages.com if you have no phone book.


I was hoping to send him an email rather than bother him at home with a phone call. Who knows? Maybe John is a big "Dancing with the Stars" fan.


Thanks for the info. though.

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Angeline himself had once quoted that BHS was so good that could match up with many Division 3 schools, LOOK it UP or ask him.



Next question of greatness. Who was a better HS football coach? Deinhardt or Angeline?


Thoughts? This ought to be interesting.




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Guest Cody Mackiln

Not only that, but all those teams were unbeaten until they played BHS in 1985


I do remember Angeline saying that Binghamton was on par with alot of Div 3 schools or something to that effect.


As far as who was better Coach just between the two, Deinhardt in his first three years only lost 4 games {7-2, 10-0, 6-2-1,) went 10-0 again 5 years later.

Angeline has more of a "legend" status than Dienhardt.


Chuck Godfrey may have been better than both

Dick Hoover also





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Angeline himself had once quoted that BHS was so good that could match up with many Division 3 schools, LOOK it UP or ask him.




Next question of greatness. Who was a better HS football coach? Deinhardt or Angeline?


Thoughts? This ought to be interesting.



Neither is worthy of consideration as one of the best all time. You have to give Fran credit for a fine job done over an extended period of time though!



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Neither is worthy of consideration as one of the best all time. You have to give Fran credit for a fine job done over an extended period of time though!






Fran was in a class all by himself when it came to getting players football scholarships.

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Angeline himself had once quoted that BHS was so good that could match up with many Division 3 schools, LOOK it UP or ask him.




Next question of greatness. Who was a better HS football coach? Deinhardt or Angeline?


Thoughts? This ought to be interesting.



Don't believe some of the pregame hype that Angeline was quoted. Sometimes he was trying to make U.E. out to be the big underdog so he can be the big spoiler. In the preseason preview insert he always claimed to have his GREENEST team in years. In the program he often posted the weights of the players 10 - 20 pounds lighter then whatr they were.

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And there you have it, Al Bundy has spoken. now all of you old timers better go check your depends and get to bed before the nurse comes in!!

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Fran was in a class all by himself when it came to getting players football scholarships.


That's what you call hype and it's the product of just that. Too bad most of his "highly touted" prospects didn't do a darn thing once they got those scholarships. Most of them never deserved them in the first place.

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That's what you call hype and it's the product of just that. Too bad most of his "highly touted" prospects didn't do a darn thing once they got those scholarships. Most of them never deserved them in the first place.



damn thing? this is the dumbest reply ever. All binghamton 85 fans just accept your second place status gracefully as their is no comparison. being the second best team ever in an area i extremely commendable.



Ed Koban- 5th all time in punt returns for Syracuse isnt too shabby


Ken Tatko Wake Forest practice squad for an NFL team


Steve Vallenti started for Syracuse


Tim Marsh Colgate played very well-


and those guys played on the same team and there are four more d1 players i didnt even mention. name one bhs 85 player that accomplished more?



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Guest Hammy
That's what you call hype and it's the product of just that. Too bad most of his "highly touted" prospects didn't do a darn thing once they got those scholarships. Most of them never deserved them in the first place.



DUH, that is why Angeline is the best ever in this area at getting his players into college. He had the connections and he knew how to sell his players and program.

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damn thing? this is the dumbest reply ever. All binghamton 85 fans just accept your second place status gracefully as their is no comparison. being the second best team ever in an area i extremely commendable.



Ed Koban- 5th all time in punt returns for Syracuse isnt too shabby


Ken Tatko Wake Forest practice squad for an NFL team


Steve Vallenti started for Syracuse


Tim Marsh Colgate played very well-


and those guys played on the same team and there are four more d1 players i didnt even mention. name one bhs 85 player that accomplished more?


King Rice. The problem is the guys on that '85 BHS team (Rice, Coleman, Middlebrooks, etc...) played at the D1 level, but for basketball. Rice could have and would have accomplished more if he had played football and he had his pick of colleges. Much better colleges than SU, Wake and Colgate. If he went to college for football it probably would have been Penn State. During that time, Penn State was the top team in college football.


When King played for UNC, he went to a Final 4 and to this day STILL has the best assist to turnover ratio (the most important stat for a point guard) in UNC history. Better than Felton, Ford, Lawson, etc...



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Plus those guys at BHS who played basketball in college could have easily went to college for football. It's just they chose basketball. The UE guys didn't have that choice. They were just limited to football. That's because they didn't have the unique skill set that the Binghamton guys had.

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King Rice. The problem is the guys on that '85 BHS team (Rice, Coleman, Middlebrooks, etc...) played at the D1 level, but for basketball. Rice could have and would have accomplished more if he had played football and he had his pick of colleges. Much better colleges than SU, Wake and Colgate. If he went to college for football it probably would have been Penn State. During that time, Penn State was the top team in college football.


When King played for UNC, he went to a Final 4 and to this day STILL has the best assist to turnover ratio (the most important stat for a point guard) in UNC history. Better than Felton, Ford, Lawson, etc...



We have zero proof that any of those guys could have played at a high level of D1 football. Getting a letter from a big college means nothing, every Tom Dick and Harry gets those letters. One U.E. player in the 80s got a letter from Notre Dame and eneded up not even starting at Cortland.

King Rice was considered a dissappointment both on and off the court when in college.


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King Rice was considered a dissappointment both on and off the court when in college.


I'll give you off the court because King had his problems and would be the first to admit it, but on the court is a different story. He played in every UNC game while he was there, is still in the Top 5 in career assist leaders, still holds the best assist to turnover ratio in a season for a UNC pointguard and was a proven winner. King has won wherever he's gone: BHS, UNC, Europe, Illinois St., Vanderbilt. Dean Smith himself said people who don't appreciate King Rice don't understand basketball. You think you know more than Dean? King has changed his life around. We all make mistakes. He did and has moved on. I'm guessing the '79 UE team had it's share of problem players also.


I saw both teams play and I have no doubt in my mind that guys like King Rice, Wendell Mack, Tony Marshall, Rick Coleman, etc... could match up with anybody that '79 UE team could counter with.

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The BHS guys are in their early 40's and the UE guys are in their late 40's. I say make the necessary plans and just play the freaking game a year from now.

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Guest Former PAT-85






Even as a former Patriot that played on that 85 team i must admit that UE "LOOKED" like a really tough squad, but honestly you guys would have been burnt on offense. Berwick was the same size as UE -79 , but i dont think that Berwick would have beaten you guys. I think EFA might have though. It would be a really goood game to watch and play in, but i know that you guys could not hang with speed of our offense, no one could plain and simple. our D-backs would have shut you guys down along with our LB's. Alot of aspects of that squad would make hard to keep you guys from scoring, but you would score i think atleast 14. GUYS I'M BEING VERY sincere here, We were just too quick on both sides of the ball and i don't see you guys stopping us.


BHS -17 UE - 13


Another apect of this whole arguement that has been left out is that yes the Area level of sports from back was nothing like anything this area has ever seen, most,not all of the kids today measure up in size and tenacity. Let me just say this if you were to take the Supplement and Training Technology from today and put it in the hands of that BHS or UE squad from back then, it would be very scary what the outcome would have been. alot of kids today dont play with the same heart or feel for the game.

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You've GOT to be kiding me?!?!?! Look at those guys. Those linemen are tall and scrawny, which instantly means FAILURE in today's football world. I've never been more sure that the '95, '00, and '07 teams were better than this team. The lines were too strong, and the skill players were just as fast as back then. This is a freaking joke. Look at these clowns!!!! Glad you beat nobody!!!!

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This is a joke right? The worst part of the '79 team is that they keep feeling the need to be important. They need to be reminded of how good they were. They need everyone to keep talking about them so their myth and legend can live on. I'm telling you right now that you were NOT the greatest NYS football team of all-time. Not even close. Not even top 100. The Websters, Henningers, Jamestowns, and even other U-E, Binghamton, and Vestal teams were better than this one. I'm willing to bet even Forks had better teams than this one. So you had one season where the Section was down and you whooped up on smaller schools. A 16-0 victory over Vestal is not impressive. Beating North by 49 is NOT impressive. That school was a quarter the size of U-E. Stop living in the past and face the facts that there are teams that were better than yours and accomplished more, beat more teams, and did it in more impressive fashion than that of '79. They may have even walked the same halls in high school. Get over it...

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