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Avelo permanently terminating service from BGM to Orlando


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Broome County was subsidizing each Avelo flight.  For the number of seats that weren't sold, the county was paying Avelo per seat.  And all of the renovations at the airport were due in part to keep Avelo happy.  There is a $20 million local price tag on those renovations.  The taxpayers got screwed in this deal!  I knew it was a scam from day one. 

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4 hours ago, ndirish said:

They  gave them hundreds of thousands of dollars to operate a BGM.  What a ripoff.

Garner was on WNBF this morning. He gave them 1 Million Dollars. And he said he would do it again. Of course he would, it ain't his money...

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11 hours ago, Skyhawk said:

Broome County was subsidizing each Avelo flight.  For the number of seats that weren't sold, the county was paying Avelo per seat.  And all of the renovations at the airport were due in part to keep Avelo happy.  There is a $20 million local price tag on those renovations.  The taxpayers got screwed in this deal!  I knew it was a scam from day one. 

This is exactly right.  It was revealed on WNBF radio the county had a deal with Avelo where they (we the taxpayers) paid Avelo for all unsold seats.  Excuse my language but this is a total crock of shit! This has to be one of the west deals in Broome County history.  We deserve answers, what are the terms of the contact and why are they leaving?  The agreement should have been something along the lines of, the county will pay for some of the unsold seats for 6 months, then Avelo is on their own, and they must stay for a minimum of five years.  

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Agree with all as previously discussed. We've seen this scam numerous times.

"Whenever we needed money we'd rob the airport."

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The fact Avelo can just up and leave whenever they want is foolish.  As others have said when the county worked out this "deal" Avelo should haven been required to stay a minimum of 5 years.  And if they can't they should have to pay all that money back.  The county will throw all our money away with some of the worst negotiating I've ever seen!   

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Yes, this was Garnar's deal.  He was all over the media when Avelo was first announced.  So he has to own this.  Garnar claims he was caught off guard by the announcement from Avelo, which goes to show the lack of communication and oversight at the airport.  I know for sure the Airport Advisory Board was not informed, they all found out through the media.

The problem in many of our eyes is the current management at the airport, Mark Heefner and Peter LoPiccolo. These two kids have no business running anything.  I've been involved with aviation through BGM for 30 years, Since Carl Olson was commissioner back in the 90's.  I've never seen such horrible management of the airport and Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner who have no idea what they're doing.  The airport WAS profitable as recently as 10 years ago, now these idiot kids are blowing millions of tax payer dollars.

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Flights from Binghamton to Orlando and back will continue every Thursday and Sunday through August 18, 2024. After that, Delta Airlines will be the only major operator at the Greater Binghamton Airport, offering flights to Detroit, Michigan.

Read More: Avelo Airlines To Cease Direct Orlando Flights From Binghamton | https://wnbf.com/avelo-airlines-leaving-the-binghamton-airport/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

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25 minutes ago, thomas said:


Flights from Binghamton to Orlando and back will continue every Thursday and Sunday through August 18, 2024. After that, Delta Airlines will be the only major operator at the Greater Binghamton Airport, offering flights to Detroit, Michigan.

Read More: Avelo Airlines To Cease Direct Orlando Flights From Binghamton | https://wnbf.com/avelo-airlines-leaving-the-binghamton-airport/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

Stephen Donnelly?


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Polk County Florida made Avelo sign a 15 year agreement, in that 15 years Polk County would invest $6 million over the first five years.

In Broome County, the county (Jason Garnar and Mark Heefner) spent $1 million for about 18 months of service.  And now Avelo is leaving.  The idiots in Broome County can learn a lot from real leadership in Polk County Florida, who knows they the hell they're doing.  

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The Wilmington Airport in Delaware made Avelo sign a five year contract in 2022.  Today their flights are stronger than ever, with three destinations in Florida. Please tell me why the braintrust at BGM let Avelo get away with over a million dollars from us and no longterm contract?

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Based on what I see here, other airports held Avelo accountable, and negotiated reasonable deals.  Here in Broome County they gave away the store, in a very one sided deal, where Avelo took full advantage of the county.  I don't blame Avelo in the least, they're doing what's best for business. I blame the idiots in Broome County who got their asses handed to them in this negotiation. 

If it was Jason Garnar's administration who negotiated this agreement, they owe us all answers.  If it was the airport manager Mark Heefner, he needs to be fired.  

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Keep in mind, this same airport commissioner and deputy commissioner who wanted to lease the airport restaurant space to the deputy commissioner's father, at a sweetheart deal of $350 per month.  It was one thing when they were trying to scam us to enrich their own families, but now they're screwing us to the tune of over a million dollars. The idiots have to go. 

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There are lots of complaints in county government about the braintrust at the airport.  They are also calling the airshow the biggest airshow in the history of Broome County, that is an outright lie. They limited ticket sales to keep the crowds manageable. Just because they call Saturday a sell out doesn't mean there weren't more people at previous airshows when they sold more tickets. There were much bigger airshows in the early 2000s. They will say and do anything to make themselves look good, but like Avelo debacle it's only a matter of time before the house of cards collapses. 

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On 7/6/2024 at 2:16 PM, Skyhawk said:

Polk County Florida made Avelo sign a 15 year agreement, in that 15 years Polk County would invest $6 million over the first five years.

In Broome County, the county (Jason Garnar and Mark Heefner) spent $1 million for about 18 months of service.  And now Avelo is leaving.  The idiots in Broome County can learn a lot from real leadership in Polk County Florida, who knows they the hell they're doing.  

Avelo is doing a lot of advertisement in Mass for their flights from Mass to Lakeland FL

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1 hour ago, BC is History said:

Two bankrupt companies.  I'm pretty sure Endicott Interconnect filed for bankruptcy over 10 years ago.

Yup you’re right, EIT is right across the street from that property Donnelly has no claim to and ran that BS story in January of 2023 about building a $30 million dollar apartment complex.
Shame on local media for pushing his BS stories as Donnelly claimed “he was in talks with investors”. Reminds me of all those BS stories he pushed in the news about “Dairy Queen and Trader Joe’s coming to Vestal” or the “The Tompkins county DA was investigating the Vestal board”.

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