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Donald Trump running for President in 2016

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How are they gonna "Make America One" when they can't even unite their own party?

At least Romney and McCain had the backing of the whole party and we see how that worked out.


Exclusion of Hispanics, women, Muslims, gays, blacks is antithetical to making us One.


Ivanka is clearly reading from a teleprompter. She keeps looking at the same three points.


What a heartfelt, tearjerker Daddy story: working with Dad in the construction biz. No little girl knee bouncing, no ice cream stand tales, no dolls as Christmas presents.


She's a stat machine. 47% of women...blah blah....


She sounds more like his office intern than family.

Real sterile intro. Pasted on smile. SHE is going to be scary running the White House when she gets in there.


I'm just waiting to see how many feet he can get in his mouth at once.


I wanna see the 3D drone view/mockup of The Wall. What is he waiting for??


Bring on The Drumpf!!!!

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He's reading his speech.


He's going to end crime!!


Someone should tell him that crime has been down nationwide for a few decades.

Oh wait, he just said that but NOW crime is back up. Which is it?


Reading stats on illegals. Borrrrrrrrrrrrrring.


He really needs to be told that our problem isn't primarily Mexicans.


A bunch of phony economic stats. The audience is falling asleep.


He's simply reading a list problems that have been well known for years. Not a SINGLE solution mentioned. Genius.


The biggest applause is after mentioning Hillary.

Here we go now with unrelenting "Hillary". Another list. No solutions.


Teleprompter. Teleprompter. Teleprompter.


Horribly written speech. Bouncing all over the place.


Oh NOW he FINALLY says he has a plan.


Screaming now, like a UFC announcer.


Still no plan. He must figure if he mentions the same 5 issues on a rotation no one will notice he still has no plan.


Every time the audience quiets down it's more Hillary Bash. Hillary is the big star of the night.


This is the worst acceptance speech in history. Where was Meredith McIver today?


Lots of hot button words: safety, corruption, emails, police, immigration, crime, MURDER!!!, threat, law and order, rigged, ISIS, trade deals, Dallas, death, terrorism..."


No real meat, not a single detail.


If he doesn't stop screaming he's going to bust a vein.


Here we go......."Nobody knows the system better than me, which I why I alone can fix it."

Narcissism unbound.


I'm still waiting for a whiff of a plan.


Still reading.


He's the Law and Order president who's never once made a decision about law and order.


"Stamp out Islamic terrorism" by making NATO members pay their fair share.





"Massive Syrian refugee flow coming in now"




"Economic problems and rampant crime are due to immigration"








THE WALL!!........finally!

He's going to END illegal immigration....forever. Hell Yeah!!!!

He;s going to enforce the laws.


Still....the same 5 points over and over.


"My plan..."


Where is it Drumpf?




"Hillary is PLANNING mass lawlessness"

That's a direct quote.




He;s gonna make a few deals and we're all gonna be RICH!!!!

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They need to play the Allman Brothers Ramblin Man as his entrance theme during the debates.


I had to change the channel after an hour of that unwatchable mess.


Rumblin', bumblin', stumblin'.....


Even a a blind squirrel finds a nut, but he never found a solid point and stayed on it for more than 12 seconds.

Who WROTE that crap??


He mentioned "my plan" several times but, one year later, there is no plan.


It's a foot race now: will he come up with a plan or quit the campaign first?

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I may get those boobs installed on the dashboard of my car. It'll give me something to do when I'm stuck in traffic or at red lights

Get them installed on YOU. Non-stop fun, 24/7, even on the throne.


Ever see the Man Show episode with the guy who got breast implants? He wasn't a flamer. He got more chicks by promising to let them see them

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Looks like one of the resident trolls has the mindset that others should pay for ones wants. Seems it can't understand that if the boobs are not natural, the intelligent hard working woman is successful enough to have spent her own money.


In a thread about the next President of the USA it makes no sense to question the physical attribute of Trumps daughter. After all, the topic is not about the sexual predator husband of the Democrat Party nominee.


And speaking of plagiarists, has the resident troll that is the most prolific poster ever written anything on here that was not copied from huffington, media matters, dnc, or any of the other left wing propaganda sites?


I swearat times it seems like I am reading a transcript of arguments taking place in a kids playground. Sure am looking forward to the humourous ignorant comment during the Democrat Party Convention next week.


One last thing. "Hands Up ..... OOOOhhh shit".

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No solutions, no hope, same comments over and over. But enough about Wanker's ongoing commentary. Lets get to Trump's convention speech. ;-)



Trump is just pointing out that the country is in trouble instead of trying to paint it falsely rosy so we keep heading down the death spiral. Good. As a nation we need a bitch slap and a good kick in the ass.

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Ahhh just what we would expect from the Hillary ass kissers wank isn't interested in boobs himself he's a a rod lover and mulligan just can't figgure out what he is. The facts are in and DONALD TRUMP WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES,

The only way he won't win is if the democrats pull their normal and bus all the welfare slugs out to vote or have people vote for people who are in nursing homes or dead allready. Kinda like what Lyin Ryan did in Binghamton. Voter registration should be in every state to stop the voter fraud in America.



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what a loooong and awful speech... it was like Nixon without the optimism...he didn't offer anything new. Dump Trump!

As bad as Carter's "malaise" speech, only he told us all we're going to die poor for more than an hour if we don't elect the only man

(out of 7 billion) who can save us. And then we'll get murdered. Then raped, home invaded and killed again.


That is so ludicrous to the point that it's......just plain nuckin futs.


His only dealings with government for 50 years has been avoiding paying taxes, getting tax deferments and gov't grants for his construction projects,

contributing to democrat party candidates and avoiding paying taxes.


I guess technically going bankrupt a handful of times is a court proceeding, which is a gov't process.


He's talking about expanding existing and creating new gov't agencies to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars AND reducing the debt.


Nuckin Futs.

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Ahhh just what we would expect from the Hillary ass kissers wank isn't interested in boobs himself he's a a rod lover and mulligan just can't figgure out what he is. The facts are in and DONALD TRUMP WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES,

The only way he won't win is if the democrats pull their normal and bus all the welfare slugs out to vote or have people vote for people who are in nursing homes or dead allready. Kinda like what Lyin Ryan did in Binghamton. Voter registration should be in every state to stop the voter fraud in America.





Notice how these trumpies are already posturing in preparation with a lame ass defense as to why their "Golden Mariah" Trump will inevitably lose to the overwhelming victory that Clinton is destined to achieve! as many others here, I am by no means a fan of Hillary Clinton but ANYONE is a better choice than Flump!

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BG you make everyone laugh with your same rhetoric and lies over and over again. Face it, Dump Trump is in way over his head, and he is a lying, hateful, racists man who has no policy's and no plans in place. He's no unifier he is a destroyer. Instead of building walls, to divide people, he should build bridges to bring people together. That's what Clinton will do. Stronger together. Never Trump!

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Agreed. Also, republicans criticized Obama from reading on teleprompter. Ummmm what did Dump trump do last night? Ding ding ding... That's right, he read from a teleprompter. Hypocrite's.

Drumpf HIMSELF criticized all his Rep. opponents AND HC for using a teleprompter.


When it really matters and he can't afford to wing it anymore he proceeds to SCREAM at three of them (left, center and right) for more than an hour, the same five "we'll are gonna DIE!!" rants, over and over.


I still have not read a word online if any Republicans are feeling buyer's remorse for having nominated a Democrat as their candidate.

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-No solutions, no hope, same comments over and over. But enough about Wanker's ongoing commentary.



-Trump is just pointing out that the country is in trouble instead of trying to paint it falsely rosy so we keep heading down the death spiral.

- Good one.


-Where's the "big trouble"? That is a matter of opinion I suppose. France is getting hit hard by ISIS. We're not. Is illegal Mexican immigration REALLY a big problem all of a sudden?

Stock market is way up and unemployment is way down.


The Middle East is a mess, but it's not like it has never been that way. It's cyclical, over time.

The way I see it, invading Iraq is what stirred up the hornet's nest we now see with ISIS. Arab Spring that came out of the invasion has not gone all that well so far.

Obama had al qaeada pretty much beat down when the uprisings in Libya, Egypt and Syria started.


In 2008, we were in Big Trouble. Mortgage and Wall St. finance companies collapsing left and right. Auto industry in dire straights. Housing market collapsed. People (including me) losing jobs and homes EVERYWHERE, in record numbers. The economy was on the verge of another Great Depression.


Crime has been steadily decreasing for a few decades.....violent and property crime (well, except in Broome County).


the fact is that Obama will be leaving his successor a nation in MUCH better shape than he found it his first year.


The constant O bashing seems more like the Repubs are just pissed that GWB blew it in a lot of ways and they didn't get the chance to fix any of it. The Repub. Congresses have been sitting on their thumbs for 7 years.


Everything is overall waaaay better than it was in 2008-9, with a few exceptions. But that's normal.

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