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Donald Trump running for President in 2016

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This is a typical financial person's comment.


You can prove anything by picking the correct start date. Example:


If you want someone to buy gold that you are selling, you say "If you bought gold 20 years ago, it would have increased in price 350%"


If you are trying to sell someone stock and they want to buy gold, you say "If you bought gold 5 years ago, you lost 20%."


Oldest trick in the book.

He got a sweetheart loan from Daddy to get started. Millions. Then he got the rest when Daddy died. Silver Spooner if there ever was one. He DOES NOT know what life is like for 98% of Americans and never will.


There's no "relating" going on, no "I got your back America". He's as clueless about our lives as we are about his.

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The NRA: "Obama just wasted 8 years and din't try to git yer guns like we sed he wud.. He musta fergot. But HILLARY is gonna git 'em, dagnabbit!

Take our word fer it!!"


Obama must have been waiting for My Little Pony to go around and gather them up while we weren't looking, just like he stole that speech Mrs. Drumpf gave. Them's some sneaky little hooves.


Obama has tried repeatedly to restrict guns and the access to them of law abiding citizens. Thankfully he's an ineffective leader. He considers guns violent and not the thug humans using them for violent acts. Guns aren't the problem. Lawless humans are the problem. He is in denial of the problem. More gun laws are not the answer. It is already illegal to rob and murder. Strict, severe punishment for violaters is the answer. Like the death penalty actually carried out within two years instead of 25 years or more for muderers on "death row".











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Newt selling Big Fear.




"We can't keep the systems we've had...."


You mean the ones that have not seen a major jihad attack on American shores?


"Every American should be terrified...."


Sure. Whatever gets your party back in office, right? We all were pretty scared in 2001 when al qaeda hit the WTC on GWB's watch. THAT kind of terrified?


Hillary is dishonest. Wow. What a shocker, Newt.


"...the loss of America as we know it."


You mean, like when Congressmen like you shut down the Federal Gov't because they were playing politics as usual and power games.

That kind of loss, Newt?


What a puffy faced blowhard.


If Drumpf had picked him for VP, the race to the White House would already be over.

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It appears the Donald Trump-Mike Pence logo released on Friday was nothing but a one-night stand.


After the running mates' first attempt at a logo was mercilessly mocked by the Internet for being sexually suggestive, Trump's campaign unveiled a modified version of the graphic on Saturday in an email officially introducing the Indiana governor as the GOP nominee's vice-presidential candidate.


I liked the first one:




Here's the modified version:



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Cruz didn't endorse Trump and everyone is up in arms? Trump and his supporters have a bully/mob mentality that is scary. Trump personally insulted Cruz, his wife and his father without apology, and now Trump is upset that he didn't endorse him? Loser. I actually gained some respect for Cruz (like Kasich) for not doing the 180-flip-flop-political-ass-kissing (like Christie) did. The lesson here is that you can't shit all over someone yesterday and expect them to respect/endorse you today? That's common sense, but not for Trump.

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Regardless he should be there for the support regardless! It's all about defeating Hillary not him seeking revenge Cruz merely showed he's not loyal to the party.

Cruz is looking big picture. He knows Trump isn't gonna win and he is gonna run in 2020. Plus again, why would he kiss Trump ass after everything Trump said about him and his family? Trump can't have it both ways with people who have some character and self worth. Look at how Trump has treated the people around him since the election began? Shit on everyone and most are now kissing his ass? That will be you and me when Trump wins (not).
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Cruz didn't endorse Trump and everyone is up in arms?


Trump personally insulted Cruz, his wife and his father without apology, and now Trump is upset that he didn't endorse him? The lesson here is that you can't shit all over someone yesterday and expect them to respect/endorse you today? That's common sense, but not for Trump.


I actually gained some respect for Cruz (like Kasich) for not doing the 180-flip-flop-political-ass-kissing (like Christie) did.



The whole convention is booing a man who has decided to stick to his principles.

I don't agree with a lot of Cruz's principles or stances on issues, and I know he likes to play power games and piss people off, but I respect that he doesn't sell out his philosophies (Christie, Pence anyone?) and sticks to his guns.


The Drumpf team (meaning Drumpf himself) took the chance that Cruz would say what he did. More calculated soap opera buffoonery. Drumpf knew that Cruz wouldn't endorse him onstage. His plan, as has been his plan from Day One, is to just get ATTENTION. It doesn't matter if it's criticism or praise, it's ATTENTION. It's free media coverage. Cruz played along perfectly and got the crowd booing.


It's just like "professional" wrestling. It ain't professional and it damn sure ain't wrestling. It's all scripted out, an act of good v. evil. People cheer for the good guy, boo the bad guy and go home elated that they did their part to keep the wolves from their doors. And then they go to bed and sleep soundly thinking that what they did actually means something.


The Show doesn't happen without three basic components: The protagonist, the antagonist and the AUDIENCE. This is textbook/Dead Sea Scrolls tragedy/comedy stuff that's been going on since before Biblical times. The stage looks different, the faces are not the same, there are no lions, bulls or chariots in the arena, but its the SAME plot.




Part of the plot line is that Drumpf doesn't LEARN the lessons, he GIVES them. He's too wise, too smart and crafty to learn anything. He's omnipotent and omniscient. The All powerful King who never apologizes, never wavers (except when it's to his benefit), never acquiesces to anyone for any reason. Even when he struts totally naked down the avenue, people Ooo and Ahhh at his splendid attire and regal demeanor.


And of course, all Kings throughout history demand loyalty from their subjects and nobles. The wise and successful ones reciprocate. The narcissistic ones think that respect and loyalty is a one way street. Guess which one we have here?


It's a win/win for Drumpf and Cruz. Drumpf was happy with what Cruz did for him. He heard the "boos" he needed to elicit. The more and louder the Cruz booing, the more and louder the hailing Drumpf gets for vanquishing the Evil Ted. a win for Cruz because he gets to keep his integrity and live to fight another day. He gave up nothing, he gave Drumpf what he needed and he got what he wanted.f


Putting the villain up on stage the day before Drumpf goes up was a masterstroke. You want your minions all frothy-mouthed just before you grace them with what they want.


And Christie keeps his job as Court Jester.



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More importantly Bubba, Cruz showed what the value of his "word" is. When he refuses to honour a signed statement any ather promises he makes are worthless rhetoric. Like expecting the truth from a Democrat.

How many does that make it? Cruz, Bush, Graham. How many others did not honor their pledge?

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I didn't pick the date. Trump's dad did. There's a difference between a raw fact and a trick. It is to literally say "Look, here's what the average was for all publicly traded American corporations over this same time period. Did you do better than average or is it possible that you are mediocre?"


If we wanted to play a trick, we'd compare it to some other time period, like 1929. "Wow! Look how well he did in comparison to the Great Depression!"


You know who actually came from nothing working his way through college with his bare hands and earned his own fortune putting up buildings?


Gary Johnson. Then he climbed the highest mountain on every continent and became a two-term governor.


Who should I take more seriously as both a businessman and a man? Someone who knows what it's like for hard-working Americans to navigate adult life because he's been there and done it successfully or someone who appears to have roughly the same skill set as the ShamWow Guy?


Come on, Pete. We've talked enough that I know you're a smart guy. I've been a registered Republican all my adult life. I stuck with the party through all of it after 9/11 and worked on a number of Congressional campaigns in multiple states. I was asked to sign on to try to build some kind of New York operation for Johnson's Republican primary bid in 2012.


Surely, though, this time, whatever we've ignored over the years, we can both admit that this is a shameful farce that caters to the party's lowest common denominator. There's nobody left inside the party who doesn't realize this, just those who are keeping their mouths shut in the hopes of somehow coming out of this on top. If the Trump campaign is not some kind of elaborate hoax, I can only imagine what a living hell it is to work for him, while he keeps trying to drive the car off a cliff and accuses his staff of being crazy and insubordinate for repeatedly grabbing the wheel and forcing him to stay on the highway.







Johnson who thinks jobs will come while supporting TPP?


Johnson who wants to cut Medicare and Social Security by 43%? (wikipedia)


How about Gov't pensions? Is he going to cut those by 43%?


Is he going to cut SNAP by 43%?


The wikipedia page about him has more detail than his own campaign page, which by the way must be running on a TRS80, it takes forever to load.


NOTHING about Islamic Immigration


NOTHING about building a wall.


He has no real bold initiatives on his own web page.


No way. No thanks.

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How many does that make it? Cruz, Bush, Graham. How many others did not honor their pledge?

Why would anyone feel obligated to honor a pledge to someone who lied about them, insulting their wife and said their Dad was involved in assassinating a sitting US President?


Jesus, the stupidity here is bottomless.


If a friend of yours lies to you do you feel honor bound to be honest with them forever? Only an idiot would do that.


Cruz is the only man who's been on that stage that still has a set of cajones. He's the only one with intact principles or the sense to defend his family from The Creep with The Dead Cat on His Head.

He didn't bow down to Emperor Drumpf and the suckups in the audience didn't like it.



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Pence: "We have our allies' backs."


One hour later, Drumpf: "We don't have our allies' backs."


Is this more of the sort of confusion that will permeate the Drumpf White House?


Nobody has any idea what anyone else is doing and Drumpf continues to wing it, hour by hour, regardless of what he's said the day or a week before.



Get your bomb shelters prepped.

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The Cruz speech was awesome....lol....Loved seeing that POS booed off the stage. Doesn't matter what he was spouting off about...the guy is slime. He could get all the free publicity he wants. He'll never get the presidency. He looks at anyone from the northeast as godless trash not comparable to himself and his saintly family. Watching him get booed off the stage made watching this convention all worth it. It was great in the fact that at least for once, even in their own party, someone stood up and said something. Commit or we don't want to hear you. This needs to be done with all our politicians. They need to realize this is our country and they work for us...That includes the BCV Messiah who holds temporary power...


Whether or not Trump wins the election the Republican Party will have a hard time regrouping. I think the Democrats are going to be viewing a lot of the same changes....people are tired of the same ol' political bullshittery. Trump has infused Democrats and Independents creating a less than desirable environment for your old school staunch "conservatives" who always follow the republican line. I think a majority of them are now realizing to tow the new party line or I'll be the next booed off stage.


In the same breath the Democrats will now be looking at a different party due to Sanders group exposing the witch for what she is the infusing his camp and then adding those republicans that would sooner vote for Billary than Trump.


Either way....This election will put the Big Top thrill of Ringling Brothers back into the circus.....GOD HELP US ALL

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Trump now says that he might not defend/protect NATO allies less than 24 hours after his VP Pence said we would always stand by our NATO allies?


This is why Trump is much, much more dangerous than Hillary will ever be. Things will be bad with Hillary, but hopefully we will all still be alive?!?!?

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Got tired of reading the repetitive nonsense by the trolls on this thread so went back to the first couple pages. Seems my post 28 was partly wrong (Thank GOD)


Gotta admit the past year has been interesting thanks to future President Trump.Imagine how the others would have allowed the Democrats to set the narrative.


Global warming

racist whites

Killer cops

necessity of feds taking control of all law enforcement.

Etc, etc, etc,............


Yeah, President Trump is as necessary today as President Lincoln was in his day.

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