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Obamacare - Epic Failure


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It is the third anniversary of the start to the obamacare disaster. As I posted 3 years ago, it has been an epic failure. While some people have made out well paying only a few dollars for health insurance, most people's costs have risen beyond the percentages we saw before obamacare was passed. WE are also paying for those people who have low cost health insurance. People are being penalized by the IRS for not having health insurance. Medical companies are ripping off people by implementing huge increases in costs for items such as Epi Pens and certain drugs.


This follows obama's trend perfectly. The Middle East is a disaster. We and the Europeans have taken in too many "refugees" and are suffering the consequences. Russia is rising again, taking control of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine while obama has stood by golfing.


On the home front the deficit will have doubled by the time he leaves office. Race relations are worse than they have been in the past 50 years.


obama has been a total disaster. obamacare is just one of his many failures.

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NO answer Binghamtonian??? I wonder why?

bullshitonian is just an angry little troll that comes on here to spew it's BS and never backs up a single thing it posts. It's a stereotypical low information voter. It's been conditioned by the media arm of the DNC into thinking it has the moral high ground, when in reality it's more like the emperor who has no clothes.

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Few governors in the nation greeted the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with more enthusiasm than Mark Dayton. The Minnesota Democrat hailed the new program as the apex of progressive governance and made sure the DFL-controlled legislature approved the Mnsure state insurance exchange.


Not even a series of disasters in Mnsure implementation shook Dayton’s confidence in Obamacare, refusing to accept a recommendation in January 2014 from an independent consultant to shut down Mnsure and rely on the HHS federal exchange. Instead, Dayton poured tens of millions more into the state exchange, insisting that the rocky beginning belied Obamacare’s glorious and successful future.

That was then; this is now. On Wednesday, Dayton declared the status of the individual insurance market an “emergency” and that the Affordable Care Act was an oxymoron. “Ultimately, the reality is that the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable for an increasing number of people,” Dayton told the media. Dayton’s remarks came a week after Bill Clinton admitted that Obamacare was “the craziest thing in the world,” and that consumers “wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

Trump supporters ready for the flip flop?




Trump is, was, and always will be a fraud. He promised so many things and now in less than a week he has changed his stance on one of the biggest issues that helped him get elected, Obamacare.


If I had known he was willing to compromise on some issues and act like a real president, I would have voted for him. Things seem better already!!!

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If you saw through the Democratic and MSM smear campaign against Trump you can see he is a pragmatic centrist. Trump is not an idiot, he will improve Obamacare, not just repeal it. Immigration laws allready on the books will be enforced, not ignored. The wall will be built because it has allready been authorized by Congress 10 years ago. And our allies will pay more for their own defense instead of milking the USA. A fresh look at trade is overdue too.

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Think he cares if you voted for him? After he's sworn in Obama care will be no more

I don't think Trump cares who voted for him at all, you, me or anyone else. And it appears your wrong about Obamacare if you read the link provided. Feel used yet? Get ready for it. You thought you elected one person and now he is completely different. Lol!! Go Trump!!
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At least I read, and I trust no one. I challange my own beliefs and perspectives all the time by reading articles from many different sources. I don't just read Fox and Breitbart like you. Grow up.

As far as Trump, I am glad he is now showing that he has 1/2 a brain and is saying some sane things now. I don't feel bad for the fools like you who thought you were getting the buffoon Donald instead of the progressive Donald we now see evolving after the election.

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Obama care dosent have anything to do with me I carry my own insurance and Medicare . You believe everything you read? I'll bet you put your trust in the polls too huh?

Obamacare most certainly affects you. There were things passed in it that affect you even if you don't have Obamacare.

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  • 2 months later...

I see President Trump signed an executive order but I'm not exactly sure what it says. Something about federal agencies may ignore mandates?

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I think it was that the uninsured do not have to pay a penalty to the IRS for last year.

I think it says that and more, I've been looking for a detailed analysis. In any event, HURRAY! and score one for FREEDOM!

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:) distaster....I'm only picking on you because earlier on FOX, someone misread a George Soros quote as EQUALITY instead of EQUITY. Something else I need to backtrack to and check out.

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I addressed that^ on the proper topic. Also from Brett Baier, re Tump agenda, the following, and if I may say appropriate language regarding ACA "THE ROLL BACK OF THE BURDENS OF OBAMACARE". That sums it up nicely.


What was that about the Arts Ms Streep?

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  • 1 month later...

Once again, basically, the bronze, silver and gold plans are the same. You either pay more on the front end in premiums or you pay the higher deductible. I think I've explained how in one instance, no matter which plan I chose I would end up spending $5,000 for an MRI or blood test and the insurance company would end up only paying $800.00. It hurts Americans in the private sector because some companies reduced their insurance coverage to ONLY the mandates Obamacare specified. REPEAL IT!

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