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Donald Trump running for President in 2016

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Wanker, I agree it would have been best if Trump products were made in the USA but President Obama stated in the last presidential debate he would lower corporate taxes from 35or 36% and he never did. Waiting waiting waiting? IMO the complicity attaches. Some countries only have corporate taxes of 15-22%.


post edit-sorry, looks like US corporate tax rate is now 39% What do you expect Trump or any other business to do? Beg for a government deal? Take some corporate welfare? Who's slogan was it,"GET INTO POLITICS OR GET OUT OF BUSINESS"?

All I expect is that he NOT be a hypocrite and live up to the same standards he is talking about imposing on every American but himself.


We're not disputing the tax codes. Obviously there's a reason companies go overseas. Cheap labor would be the primary reason, I'd think.


Any candidate that talks tough about "making" companies pay out the nose to import their goods after they've abandoned our shores needs to NOT be making million$ by doing the very same thing.

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Lets check out The Trumps presidential qualifications...

The Obama is against Trump... Check
The Media is against Trump... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check
The Pope is against Trump... Check
The UN is against Trump... Check
The EU is against Trump... Check
China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check
Soros is against Trump... Check
MOVEON.0RG is against Trump... Check
Koch Bro's are against Trump... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check

Best qualifications ever!!

Bonus points!!!
Cher says she will leave the country...
Cyrus says she will leave the country...
Whoopi says she will leave the country...
Rosi says she will leave the country...
Sharpton says he will leave the country...

My vote for Trump... Check...

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Lets check out The Trumps presidential qualifications...


The Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media is against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The Pope is against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

MOVEON.0RG is against Trump... Check

Koch Bro's are against Trump... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check


Best qualifications ever!!


Bonus points!!!

Cher says she will leave the country...

Cyrus says she will leave the country...

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosi says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...


My vote for Trump... Check...



Did his KKK endorsement tip the scale for you?

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It's all about violence....all day and all night with the Orange Faced One.


"I think you'd have riots. I think you'd have riots," Trump said Wednesday.


Every other speech he makes has some reference to violence, whether it's punching people who disagree with him or carpet bombing kids.

What is his pathological fixation with violence about? Isn't the explosive growth in government he promises enough for him? He's gotta see people beaten and killed, too, to sate his ego? He thinks people will endanger their lives and literally RIOT for him?




".....or if we're 100 short and we're at 1,100 and somebody else is at 500 or 400, because we're way ahead of everybody, I don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically."


I don't think you can say he has even the tiniest clue as to how the process works. The rules don't state that the closest one to the target is the winner. This isn't horseshoes, Orange Man.




Cruz, on the other hand, makes it his business to KNOW the rules and agrees to abide by them.


"If it ends up happening that we get to Cleveland and nobody has 1,237 delegates, that Donald has a whole bunch of delegates and I have a whole bunch of delegates and we come in neck and neck, then it is up to delegates to decide," he added.

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In his speech last night, I think Donald Trump alluded to the corporate tax. He said a couple of republicans and a couple of democrats could fix this in 10 minutes and that it should have been done 3-4 years ago. Trillions of dollars would come back to the US with a deal.


Mr Kasich pointed directly into the camera. If I could have reached through the TV...

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Hey 27, that about the kluxer supporting Hillary fits right in with her other supporters like black panthers, Obama, blacklivesmatter, congressional black caucus, la raza, etc etc .....


After all the Democrat Party has responsibility and history of racism and bigotry, along with violence, intimidation, extortion, well, you get the picture.


I held off commenting about the fuss of Trump "calling for" riots until I heard the whole interview. It was an off the cuff valid comment not worthy of much attention. Nothing at all like the actual threats I have heard from Democrat politicians and black leaders many times. Even now Leftist groups are planning and threatening to cause major havoc across the country if they do not get their way, and they are serious. But that stuff will likely get as much publicity as where some fast and furious weapons were found, and where the couple missiles from Lebanon were being shipped to in the US. Along with many other important activities & events not getting much press.


But what the hell, lets keep attention on the Presidential Candidate who gives casual voice to what is being discussed in every State in the union by people tired of Leftists getting their way through violence at the expense of law abiding taxpayers.It seems many believe what the GOP is attempting is the only real voter suppression going on in the US, not voter ID laws.


I have visions of parents reading bed time stories to the children beginning with The Declaration of Independence. (and the visions are not hypothetical)


Not sure who it was on here (bcv) who wrote recently in a facetious way "American Spring" but Summer is lookin to be pretty damn hot. Maybe a trip to Cuba for educational purposes would be a refreshing change of climate.




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I know you're all waiting for my daily take on the political events of the day, and I hate to disappoint....so here it is:





So now we see Conservatives getting together to talk about how to de-Orange Face their own party.


Perhaps they should consider paying him ransom to get their political party back. You know, like "go-away" money that rich people pay their spouses who turned out to be merely gold-diggers.


How much would it cost them to pay a billionaire with nothing to lose to disappear after he's hijacked an entire American major political party? I'm guessing a LOT.


The guy is making history. What could they possibly offer him to step away now?



They're even talking about a third party candidate if Orange Julius manages to "steal" the nomination. It seems like it's already dawned on them that THAT is the best way to hand the keys to the O. Office to Hillary, yet they keep throwing that out there, like the more they say it the more sense it will make.


Who would be so foolish to tarnish their family name forever by running as the 3rd candidate and splitting the ticket two ways? It would pretty much ensure that the Dems stay in power for the next 5 or 6 elections....not to mention hand over the majority vote in both Houses of Congress.


They're already facing that prospect with a Trump run....so I see the logic....it's already lost so let's hit the Panic Button now and make it look intentional.


It's like an epidemic of stupid has taken over the whole party and the sepsis has gone fully systemic.

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Interesting article about Trump by a democrat. The most important paragraph that sums it all up.


"For generations, they went all in for the American dream. Their families fought the wars, worked in the factories, taught school, coached Little League and built a middle-class culture. Now they are abandoned and know it."



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