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Donald Trump running for President in 2016

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I bet the Republican plan is to try to get Cruz enough votes for the nomination or close to it. Then at the convention or just before, declare that since Cruz was born in Canada to a non US father, he is not a natural born citizen. Then they can give the nomination to whomever they want to. Bush, Romney, Rubio or Kasich.


Sometimes I scare myself.

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As you ladies and gentlemen have pointed out, the people want an outsider. Perhaps a fresh set of eyes for four years wouldn't be a terrible thing if that was how Mr Trump understood that was what Americans would prefer part of his role as President to be. I don't think this concept is self evident to him.


Have we ever had a president who didn't hold a a government office/ position prior to the presidency?

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I was watching the Sunday News shows and its all about Trump inciting violence. Chuck Todd was grinding him about the tomato throws, to which Trump responded to his crowd, " if you see someone with a tomato just wack him punch him straight in the mouth".

So its OK for some professional protestor to throw shit at him ,buts its not ok to defend him. Progressive liberalism at its best.

Don't blame Trump or his supporters for his success. Blame the last 20 years of politicians who have done nothing but FCK everything all up, worry more about getting re-elected then doing what is good for the country, police themselves and give themselves pay raises, all the while making themselves exempt from all the things we are mandated to have or do. That's the reason behind Trumps popularity. Its been coming for a while, now its here. TRUMP WILL WIN

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To continue saying "the people are mad and they only want an outsider, any outsider" is a convenient way to minimize the importance of what most Americans actually want and are finally demanding. What is wanted is a return to the Constitutional Rights for all, a return to a system of Justice for all, the end of punitive Laws that turn honest law abiding citizens into criminals overnight, a return to a decent education system that teaches our children how to think not what to think, A tax structure allowing Working people to keep and save a little for their future or present wants even after government takes a share of their wages to give to the non workers, and end to allowing financial institutions to get taxpayers money interest free so they can turn around and loan the money back to taxpayers at a "healthy" interest rate, etc..etc..etc......


Even before the current fascist-like people in control of our government began to support openly the Leftist thugs our Universities and Colleges were pressured into not allowing contrasting Conservative views on campus, now it is the faculty and heads of those "education" centers that condone the violence when a speaker or even students attempt to express a non-Leftist viewpoint.


Wankers like Wanker has the audacity to call up hitler when mentioning Trump but neglects to mention who and whose supporters have been responsible for decades of violence thuggery attempts at shutting down freedom of speech by "right-wingers". Since when has it become mandatory to allow attacks without fighting back? To use the hitler example mentioned by the wanker, who is it that has gotten power over the years through fear, intimidation, rioting, violence an recently just plain ol' ignoring of the Constituion and American Laws?


No, it is not an outsider we want. We want someone who is an America Supporting Insider. Donald Trump as President is a damn good start.



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What is wanted is a return to the Constitutional Rights for all,


A tax structure allowing Working people to keep and save a little for their future or present wants even after government takes a share of their wages to give to the non workers, and end to allowing financial institutions to get taxpayers money interest free so they can turn around and loan the money back to taxpayers at a "healthy" interest rate, etc..etc..etc......





-He wants to gut the First Amendment. You know that, right? By that I mean the First Amendment to the CONSTITUTION. You know which one I'm talking about right?


-I hope you want a much bigger, more expensive government because that's what he'll bring you.


-Do you REALLY think he'll impose MORE restrictions on his Wall St./banker buddies?

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Get ready for the biggest, most expensive, most invasive Fed. gov't in history.


Record setting deficits.


And your medical coverage will disappear too.


Will Trump ship jobs to China, like ALL of Ivanka Trumps product line, or his clothes line?

The man wants to make America great again? Why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is?

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It just occurred to me, Donald Trump is the only candidate to reach out to this community via Binghamton Now. If I remember correctly he wasn't even running for anything at the time. He's the candidate who gave us the time of day, just to touch base, when there was nothing in it for him.


:) Of course now I see why he refused to primary anyone for the governors seat.lol

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On a different thread a poster mentioned something about the wanker. And it actually helps in understanding better many of wankers comments. He really does appear to have a comprehension problem. Or, he finds it fun to mis-interpret Trumps words and those of others.


Just curious about something related to all the faux outrage over Trumps "inciting violence with his rhetoric."Have any of you ever attended (on either side) any of the anti-American protests? Other than on a television screen have any of you ever experienced time after time the hatred, vitriolic anger and usually physical violence seemingly mandatory from Leftists "protesting"?


Maybe if more of you would try even one time standing firm against those protestors more would understand this phoney uproar over Trump and his pro-America supporters.

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Will Trump ship jobs to China, like ALL of Ivanka Trumps product line, or his clothes line?

The man wants to make America great again? Why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is?

If he wants to start punishing companies for sending jobs overseas he needs to start with the companies that make all his products.


Imposing stifling tariffs on companies that go overseas will accomplish only one thing: any company that is even considering opening up a plant outside the U.S will make a lightning fast run for the border to beat the tariffs. We'd see an explosive, mass exodus of jobs out of the country in 3 months' time.


Take a guess who's going to make up THOSE lost tax revenues?

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^^The guest (Charles Paidock) on with Hannity and Sheriff Clarke stated there are no constitutional absolutes. (re: free speech) :) Kind of like "there's no right answer... (in math?!!! :blink: )and they wonder why US students lag behind the world!

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On a different thread a poster mentioned something about the wanker. And it actually helps in understanding better many of wankers comments. He really does appear to have a comprehension problem. Or, he finds it fun to mis-interpret Trumps words and those of others.



Maybe if more of you would try even one time standing firm against those protestors more would understand this phoney uproar over Trump and his pro-America supporters.

As if there were a prayer of you understanding a word I post.


I wonder how many of our service men and women in uniform would consider it a virtuous, patriotic value to punch and threaten to kill someone for expressing a different opinion at an Herr Orange Face rally? I wonder if they'd want to fight and die for your right to do that or for Der KommisarTrump to suspend the First Amendment?

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Wanker, I agree it would have been best if Trump products were made in the USA but President Obama stated in the last presidential debate he would lower corporate taxes from 35or 36% and he never did. Waiting waiting waiting? IMO the complicity attaches. Some countries only have corporate taxes of 15-22%.


post edit-sorry, looks like US corporate tax rate is now 39% What do you expect Trump or any other business to do? Beg for a government deal? Take some corporate welfare? Who's slogan was it,"GET INTO POLITICS OR GET OUT OF BUSINESS"?

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